Heart To Heart

At one time I was just a girl
With plans and dreams of life
And when I grew I fell in love
And went to be a wife

Almost before I knew it
I held within my arms
A treasure that I knew was mine
To keep from all life’s harms

I dressed her in the finest pink
My meager funds could buy
And proudly I proclaimed this one
“The Apple of My Eye”

We played and laughed in sunshine
Oblivious to time
It seemed we’d never be apart
I knew that she was mine

But now the years are marching on
And time is moving fast
I know her days within my home
Will not forever last

So sweetheart let me tell you
That you mean so much to me
And I’m not looking forward to
The day I set you free

But life runs in a cycle
And you must take your turn
There’s many things for you to do
And much for you to learn

As we see that day approaching
Let me love you even more
For the sound of your departing
I hear knocking at my door

By: Cindy Blackamore



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Night Angel