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The Devil in Us

Editor's Note: Incomplete

The people come together and they all form a line
They face the darkness together to slowly decline
They were pulled by fate and guided by deadly design
He speaks as though he is a god or something divine

They listen without question and move to every word
A silence fills the room with damp voices gone unheard
Their thoughts run rampant with many questions pondered
But slowly, their ideas and dreams have all been slaughtered

They try to escape the demons grasp to end their fate
But with hopelessness, a silence is all they create
With empty hearts and shattered minds they must await
A shallow death in which their dreams turn to hate

The crouching cowards crowd together in the corner
They’re left to die without an ounce of pride or honor
With a tear in their dying eyes, they’re left to wonder
If they can come together to overpower

Now guided by their mighty hands they soon become one
Things might not change, but a life in chains can be undone