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English Class

English class is a waste of time
Thats why I wrote this useless rhyme

I only sit here and stare at the ceiling.
When you read this you'll know what i'm feeling.
As I wait for the pass of the hour,
This class just drains all of my brain power
Were goin' over the 17th and 16th century
Most of this is naturally new to me.
I wonder in ten years where will I be
And if this will have any use for me.
I know that we have a great teacher
But sometimes she acts like a preacher.
Hamlet, Mcbeth, the past, and poetry
Will this have any use for me?
This class will teach you the value of life
Though, it will come through great strife.
And soon I will be on my way
After we graduate at the end of May.
We all have frienships we must mend
But for now this poem must end.