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The Freedom I Built

I sit here and laugh at the world.
I can’t help it cause I’m not sorry.
People around me are always having fun
But I always sit here without anyone.
I know you feel no sorrow for me
But that’s ok cause you’ll never see.
I lie in a world with freedom I’ve built,
While others lie in a heavy world of guilt.
With my silence and loneliness
I’ll sit comfortable in a world of bliss.
People in the world try to please everyone
And do stupid things they consider fun.
They treat everyone like crap and don’t understand
How to be considerate and lend a helping hand.
They think they’re on top, soon they will crumble and fall.
Later in life they’ll realize they’re no one at all.
Everyone thinks they’re happy and free
But they’ll never know until they live with me.