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Heaven's Perfection

Editor's Note: This poem will remain unfinninshed because I have come to the realization that perfection is unobtainable. This poem was a far stretch by me to hold onto something that wasn't there and might never be. So know that true perfection doesn't exsist, it's just a figment of our imagination that we hope will someday come true. If there was perfection, life would be some what boring because there would be nothing to hope for and we would lose the ability to dream.

When I look into your eyes
Sweet chills crawl down my spine
And you send my body where it's never been
Perfection rests solely in the mind
But becomes true when I look at you
You make me feel something
I have never felt before
I feel happiness in more places than one
You look at me in a way that tells me so much
I just can't get away from your delicate touch
Whisper into my ears all the things I want to hear
I'll do what you wish as long as you are here
Walk with me under the moon lit sky
We'll be closer than ever before
Many thoughts run through my head
And they are all about you
You are heavens sweet perfection
All wrapped up for me
I can't get enough of your touch
Everything about you makes me feel
You make me feel I have heaven in my arms
With a smell of morning roses
With eyes of a twinking star
You are natures beauty handed down
And wrapped up for me