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If today was the last day you faced would you be content with how you spent your life?

I ask myself this sometimes but I always come to the conclussion that tomorrow will shortly come and I can put today behind me. That's not the best way to look at life because we all know life is short but precious and we should take nothing for granted. Everyone says live everyday to its fullest but I somtimes find myself wasting away most every hour of my day. There is so much this world can offer and the only way we can get somewhere is by pushing ourselves. We need to push ourselves to get any where. We can't expect or hope that someone else will show us what life has to offer. We have to experience everything for ourselves and then judge life based on these experiences. If you wade through life hopeing for a better day you'll never realize what today might have to offer. Today could be the last day you see a loved one, live a dream or it could the first day you meet the love of your life. You never know until you try. You have to try. Everyday we should try something new, meet someone new, and go someplace we've always wanted to go. If you're optimistic then your opportunities are endless. Even if we screw up a new idea or make a mistake we can at least say we tried it and i'm sure that's more than most people can say.

Once the day is gone there is no reliving the past. Once it's gone, it's gone for good. Sure you have memories and sometimes they are all we have but you need to realize that there is more to life than the past. Create new memories everyday. Experience something you never thought you would do because that might be your only chance to do it. If you look back and have regrets then what is the point of living? If everyday creates a regret then you must take the initiative and push yourself, no, force yourself to do something worth while.

Every day breeds new life and slowly takes it away. We aren't here for long, the moment you realize that is the moment you can start to truely live.