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The Old Man

There was a little boy
That grew up to be nothing.
He thought knew so much
but he always knew nothing

His parents always pushed him
To be the best he could.
He wanted to impress them
But knew he never would.

This boy was growing older
He would soon become a man,
He's actions would get bolder
Though he'd never understand.

Everyone seemed so nice
But that was not his fault
Their emotions were only fake
And feeding him with guilt

He was trying to fit in
And doing the best he could
He would never be like them
So he gave up like he should

These times have all but past
They wake with him everyday
He knew he wouldn't last
So he chose to fade away

This man would soon get wise
To beat them at their game
Did something he'd despise
But things remained the same

The old man now has died
He thought he would be much more
Proving only the world had lied
He must live with guilt evermore