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Short Meaningless Dribbles

Nothing to do:
I’m sitting here and boredom just set in.
I don’t know what to do or where to begin.
I think of things to do, things to set me free.
But I realize that there’s no one out there for me.
But then I think, "Hey, that can't be."
Well, I feel great and I’m fairly content
But I can’t tell how my days are spent
Cause I’ve got nowhere to go and nothing to do.


No Originality:
People these days they all look the same.
They think its cool but it’s like a game.
Must look their best out match the other.
If you can’t think for yourself why bother
They waste their money to fill their greed,
To impress with things they don’t need.
I just sit and watch, now I’m sick of it.
This always goes on they never quit
But in the end they still can’t see
That they have a lack of originality.


No Light Ahead:
Technology is these day’s moves so fast.
How long do you expect it will last?
We expect advancement in our days
But this will only cover us with haze
They say everything will be quick
With all these do you know what to pick?
We’re like a train heading for a tunnel
We’ll get stuck and there’s no light ahead.


Thinking of you is all I do:
I sit at my desk and stare at the sky
Hoping that there’s a spark in your eye.
I sit at my desk and think of what I miss
It’s your ever present delicate kiss.
I sit at my desk and thoughts rush in
Thoughts of you that won’t led to sin.
I sit at my desk but see you walk away
Thinking you’ll turn around and walk my way.
I sit at my desk with nothing from you
But still, thinking of you is all I do.

On this moon lit stary night
We run through the open meadow
Like kids so free of worries
No problems from tomorrow
Only memories from the past
We run with hands together
With no thought of what will be
The only thing against us
Is times unpleasent end
We must use this precious moment
And not let it slip away
Let me hold you so tightly
For this might be our last
A Dream:
Life's a dream
Stay asleep or wake up.
What's real? What's not there?
Imagine what you wish
Because aything can come true.
Let your mind sweep you away.