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Thought of You

Editor's Note: I personally hate this one. Barf.

The thought of you runs through my mind
And in my heart I try to find
A reason to be on this earth.
When I gain in life I will fall behind
But you pick me up cause you're so kind.

The thought of you rests in my soul
And makes me run from pole to pole
To try to find you on this earth.
Your lasting love will make my body whole
And my heart you're always in control.

The thought of you shines in my eyes
And anyone can come to realize
Our love for each on this earth.
When I think of you good thought will rise
And for our love their is no compromise.

The thought of you lasts to the grave
And my heart will ever be your slave.
And when our time is up on earth
My heart will be blacker than a cave
And the thought I will always crave.