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Unforgetable Night

Editor's Note: This is my personal favorite.

Wondrous thoughts fill my head.
Days without you are the one's I dread.
Please come closer and never leave
Because with you I am always complete.

When we hold each other tight
Wild thoughts will run about.
These thoughts will soon be actions
And these actions we'll never doubt.

Lay by my side and lets watch the stars,
I'll hold you close and heal the scars.
Let me shield you from the wintry night,
I promise I will never be far from sight.

When we hold each other tight
Wild thoughts will run about.
These thoughts will soon be actions
These actions we'll never doubt.

When the morning comes and we shall part
Thoughts of this night will rest in my heart.
In the years to come, let us never forget
Our time together was always well spent.