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Who Needs 'em

Editor's Note: Ladies should take no offense to this. Maybe I should add what's so great about women. We'll see.

Girlfriends, that’s what this one’s about
Like how they can be pointless and always pout.
They sit around and expect the world from us.
Like paying fifty cents for them to ride the bus.
Most girls know we have nothing to offer.
I can’t understand why we even bother.

Girlfriends, who needs ‘em.

For girls, we spend our money on countless things
Like dinner, movies and sometimes rings.
They expect us to take them to fancy places,
But we only do it to put smiles on their faces.
When we say no, they give us that puppy look.
It’s so cute but it won’t get ‘em of the hook.

Girlfriends, who needs ‘em.

Some say the world wouldn’t exist without ‘em.
But who cares. Do we really need them???????