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Faulty Research

I was caught off guard the other day as I flipped through The Examiner, Washington. The Examiner is a free newspaper published by Journals Inc., which was recently bought over by conservative Christian movie producer Phillip Anscholtz. On the (tenth) page there was a small blurb, “Scientists find physiological basis for homosexuality,” which explained that a study released last Tuesday found that gay men’s brains have the same sexual response when exposed to male pheromones as do the brains of heterosexual women. Sandra Witelson of the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada said that the findings of this study clearly show a biological involvement in sexual orientation, thus proving the “born-that-way” argument used by gay activists to justify granting certain privileges to homosexuals.

After living in Massachusetts at the time of the gay-marriage court decision and during the gay-marriage debate, and in particular after having attended Wellesley College, I was curious to find out more details of this study. I have frequently heard pro-gay arguments using the vague claim that “there is scientific research proving that homosexuality is natural.” Before now, unfortunately, I just took these claims for what they were worth, and never took the time to look up the exact research to which they were referring. Now, however, I believe it is critical to point out to conservatives – all, or at least many, of whom “have a gay friend” or neighbor, if not more than one – the details upon which the gay platform bases its claims.

Background on Sexual Behavior

The History of the Homosexual Platform

What the Homosexual Platform Seeks