Edmund Kemper

Twenty-five year old Edmund Kemper got out of his car in Pueblo, Colorado and called the police in Santa Cruz. He told them about 8 women, all of whom he killed. The cop didn't believe him and told him to call back later, so he did, and he still didn't have any success in convincing the cop on the other end of the line. So he called again and again. Each time he gave more details onhow he had killed each victims and what he had done with the bodies. Finally Santa Cruz police drove three states to get him, Kemper sat and waited for his arrest. According to Kemper, he was traumatized by his mother at an early age. Clarnell Kemper raised her son and two daughters on her own, and little Edmund was subjected to severe discipline. He claims he was constantly put down. In his early teens, Kemper killed two of the family cats. Him mom found the remains of one, minus the head, and in the garbage can, while remaining dismembered peices were in Edmunds closet. He often daydreamed of "making a doll out of a human being." He commited his first murder at the age of fifteen, after being sent to live with his grandparents. Murdering them both in August of 1963. His explanation for these murders: "I just wondered how it would feel to shoot Grandma." He was put in a mental hospital for six years. Between May 1972 and February 1973 he picked up and murdered six college age girls hitchhiking. He would usually shoot or stab them, then store them in the trunk. Then after his mother was asleep he would bring them in the house and sexualy violate their lifeless bodies. Sometimes he cut off flesh and other times he'd cook and eat parts of the bodies. In September of 1972, he had a follow-up psychological evaluation. After being considered not a threat, he was let go agian. He drove away with the head of a fifteen-year-old girl in the boot of his car. On the day before Easter in 1973, he reached the climax of his murders and possibly killing his main target, his mother. At her bedside while she slept, he bashed in her skull with a hammer and then decapitated her. He cut out her larynx and shredded it through the garbage disposal. Then he invited a friend of his mothers over and killer her in the same manner. After this murder he left on his last car ride as a free man, the drive took him to Pueblo, Colorado. Nobody had been searching for him the whole time he was driving. He was convicted of eight murders after a very detailed confession. As a child Kemper had fantasized about his own execution. Often he would enact his death, by asphyxiation. At his trial, the judge asked him what he thought would be a suitable punishment. Kempers reply, tortured to death.

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