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Safety in Numbers

By: Maria

Closing the door softly behind her, Inez smiles warmly at Mary. The night air has considerably chilled as she pulls her shawl tightly around her shoulders.

"You think they realize it?"


Nodding to the room behind the door and the scene they'd just left.

"Self professed loners ... gunfighters ... drifters...." Mary smiled knowingly at Inez who returned her smile with a chuckle.

"You know they'd never admit to it."

"No, they wouldn't. They'd just say it was safety in numbers."

Both women laughed softly as they made their way back to their respective homes.

There'd been reports that there was a gang planning on robbing the bank transport. Simple escort duty was what they'd all thought it would be.

A gunfight and three dead bad guys later, simple was what it wasn't.

Chris and Nathan had taken bullets. Ezra had dislocated that shoulder yet again. And Josiah had thrown his back out carrying Nathan.

The room at Nathan's clinic was entirely too small for the seven of them, but nobody could tell them that.

When every moment gets too hard

The end of the road can feel so far

No matter how much time we're apart

I'm always near you

'Come on, you old dog. Can't leave ol' Buck here to his own devices.'

He dipped the cloth in the cool water and pressed it against Chris's brow. This fever was starting to scare him, but Nathan told them it was normal.

Nathan -- even shot, he was still more worried about tending to them than tending to himself.

Vin had removed the bullet. He'd never seen the tracker so nervous. JD looked like he was going to be sick, but he held on as Vin maneuvered the bullet out of Chris's shoulder.

His head started thrashing against the pillow.

'Damn you, Ella Gaines. Someday I'm gonna find you.'

He gently stroked the blonde gunslinger's hair as the all-too-familiar nightmares invaded his sleep once again. If the others didn't know, they knew now ... those nightmares of Ella plagued him. Buck had known -- of course he'd known. Chris had denied it, but Buck knew Chris. He watched as tears escaped his friend's eyes.

Now was not the time for wondering what the others would say. He scooted next to Chris on the bed and cradled the gunslinger's head into his lap and stroked his hair. He instantly calmed ... unconsciously acknowledging that he was safe. Buck would protect him.

I'll be the shelter in your rain

Help you to find your smile again

I'll make you laugh at a broken heart

Wherever you are

Feeling eyes on him, he turned to see JD watching him. He seemed almost in awe. These were the two men he admired most -- for their courage... nerves of steel. And here they were ... one quivering with nightmares, with his head cradled in the other's lap while the other gently stroked his hair ... almost as if soothing a child. Not even in the fiercest gunfight had he ever admired them more. He felt proud to call Buck a friend.

'Cause I'm never gonna walk away

If the walls come down someday

All alone and you feel afraid

I'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me

I believe until forever ends

I will be your friend

Vin got up to check on Nathan. Who would've thought he'd end up playing Nathan's part? Hell he couldn't even read until recently - what did he know 'bout healing? But his friends needed him ... "just remember you're a Tanner." His mother's words echoed in his head ... Tanners don't quit ...or back down.

"Thanks, ma"

"Hmmmm?" Came the sleepy voice from the chair next to where Nathan lay. "Is something wrong?"

"No, sorry. Didn't mean to wake you."

"Not to worry, Mr. Tanner - this shoulder is excelling at making deep sleep impossible...."

Ezra was about to say something more when a moan stopped him. Immediately, his eyes flew down to Nathan. His eyes widened at the sheen of sweat now covering Nathan's brow. He raised his eyes to meet Vin's.

Vin had to admit the gambler's eyes surprised him. Normally very good at concealing emotion, right now -- anyone could see he was concerned about Nathan -- surprising considering how those two never saw eye to eye about anything.

"I gotta get some more herbs for Nate and Chris."

"You go, Mr. Tanner. I'll tend to Mr. Jackson."

"You sure, Ez? I mean with that shoulder..."

He was cut short by Ezra's upraised hand.

"I assure you, I will be fine," pausing, "if you could just help me with my sleeve here."

Vin rolled up Ezra's shirtsleeve and turned to leave when a strong hand reached out to stop him. Looking down, he saw the strained face of Josiah looking up.

"Thank you."

With that, Vin left to go get the herbs needed to make the tea the men needed.

So many people come and go

But nothing can change and you I know

You'll never be just a face in the crowd

And time will show

Through the seasons and the years

I will always hold you dear

Never you fear

Ezra wiped at Nathan's brow. If anyone had told him a year ago he'd be in this position today, he'd have asked if they'd taken leave of their senses. But here he was, one arm in a sling, shirtsleeves rolled up, in *bad* need of a shave, basin balanced on his lap, wiping the fevered brow of a Negro.

He smiled at the irony of it -- that's what Nathan had been to him when they'd met ... just another Negro ... good with a gun, but no more. Now.... they'd been through so much.... it actually incensed him when anyone treated Nathan as "just a darkie ... nigger ... colored ... boy". God, he hated himself for ever having used the terms himself.

He was shaken out of his thoughts as he felt Nathan trembling. Damn fever ... it really did have a grip on him. He brought the covers up tightly around Nathan ... reaching over for his jacket and putting it on top of the blanket for more warmth.

"Come on, Mr. Jackson.... Nathan.... fight," pausing , "please," pausing yet again, realizing how much he really *needed* Nathan to fight. "Who else is going to put me in my place?"

In his tremors, he noticed Nathan's hand seemed to be reaching for something. Putting the basin down on the floor, he took a chance and took his hand in his, feeling it squeeze tightly around his. He looked down at their clasped hands and swallowed the lump that formed in his throat ... of all the unlikely friendships.... 'Friendship' - had he actually used the term? Yes, feeling a surge inside him ... yes, friendship.

He felt sleep overtaking him and he positioned himself so he could lean back on the wall, never releasing Nathan's hand. Nobody had ever *needed* him, and with the strength of Nathan's grip, Ezra knew -- much as Nathan would hate to admit it ... he needed him right now.... probably as much as Ezra needed him.

'Cause I'm never gonna walk away

If the walls come down someday

All alone and you feel afraid

I'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me

I believe until forever ends

I will be your friend

JD awoke the next morning as Vin stepped past him to administer some of the tea to Chris and Nathan.

Chris was awake and ornery ... he always ragged on them when they were ornery while in Nathan's care, but he was the worst of them all.

Buck was positively beaming.

Ezra was in the chair beside Nathan's bed as Vin had Nathan drink some of the tea. A few chuckles were heard as Nathan made a face when he tasted the tea. He coughed a bit and Ezra was at his side in an instant. Nathan eyed him warily ... then as if remembering something smiled at the gambler.

"Thank you."

"For what, Mr. Jackson - it's been Mr. Tanner who's seen to your well-being."

'I wasn't so out of it last night, Ezra, but if you want to play it that way, okay.'

"Thank you anyways, Ezra."

Ezra narrowed his eyes as if studying Nathan. Seemingly giving up, he smiled his trademark dimpled smile at Nathan.

Josiah was sitting up by now and remarking something about his crows.

Looking around the room at this motley crew.... JD knew why he'd stayed here with them last night -- even after they'd all insisted that he'd go back to his room. He hadn't actually done anything ... but sometimes .... there was safety in numbers.

I'll be around when every candle burns down

And I want you and I want you to know

'Cause I'm never gonna walk away

If the walls come down someday

All alone and you feel afraid

I'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me

I believe until forever ends

I will be your friend

The End

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