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Under the Sun

By Deb


DISCLAIMER: M7 characters belong to MGM, Trilogy, CBS, and TNN. The characters from Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM, Gekko, and Showtime. I'm not making any money from writing this story, I just love to write. Original characters (present and mentioned) belong to me...primarily Adriana and Dawn in this story.

SPOILERS: references to Ghosts of the Confederacy, One Day Out West, Witness, The Trial, Achilles, my own More than Friends. References to the movie Stargate, and various Stargate SG-1 episodes.

WARNING: original characters, some violence, nasty language in certain sections.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: At the end of the story, as I did with The Light in the Distance, will be the entire song from which the title is taken. While the quote won't make sense right away, it will as the story goes on and once you read the song, which reminds me powerfully of Vin.

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Part Thirty-One

Over the next eighteen hours, Vin familiarized himself with the SGC. His companion during his prowls was Chris Larabee, who had really never found the time to go exploring. Sometimes they talked during their explorations...more often, they didn't. Neither man felt the need to was just nice to have companionship. Vin didn't know what was going through Larabee's mind, not exactly. He had an idea, because he could read the other man's eyes.

He didn't sleep that night, before the first mission. He was too nervous, too wound up. Instead, he sat alone in his quarters and tried to figure out exactly what had happened to him. He mentally reconstructed everything that had happened to him over the last few days. Going to the bar that night. The assaults on Nathan Jackson and Mary Travis. Intervening with Chris Larabee.

The discovery that this was Drina's Chris Larabee. The memories of his old friend returning in full force. Finding Larabee and the general in his motel room the morning after the bar fight. Reopening old wounds, by telling two men about Eli Joe, and the Kincaid family. The offer to join the SGC. And then everything else that had happened since. Had only three days passed since the bar fight?

He had encountered Captain Travis in the cafeteria the previous night...she had been surprised that the general and Larabee had worked so fast to recruit him, but pleased. Her son had been sick, so she had been taking care of him, which was why Vin hadn't seen the captain around. From the captain, he also learned that another old friend was here...Chanu. Claire was teaching Russian at the Academy, and little Kevin was growing like a weed.

Vin wondered why he hadn't seen Chanu yet, but put it out of his mind...he had been struggling to keep up with the tests and getting a handle on his new teammates. Teammates. Vin felt a little dizzy. He had never been part of a team, not really. The closest he had come to being part of a team was with the ladies, with Dawn, Carly, and Adriana. And usually, that was the three of them joining forces against him...usually, to make him rest and take care of himself. Not that it was really necessary, since he had always joked that just one of them outnumbered him. However, he had come to realize over the years that when all three of them banded together like that, they were really, really worried about him.

So now he was actually part of a team. Vin had always stayed out of other people's relationships...never getting involved when there was an argument between Adriana and Carly, or when the argument involved all three women. In the first place, that was a real good way to get his ass kicked. And even if he thought one was in the wrong, he had realized that he could do more good from the outside, rather than trying to get involved.

He wasn't sure if he would be allowed to do that here...would he be expected to take someone's part against someone else? Would Nathan expect him to take his part against Ezra, when things finally erupted between those two? Vin wasn't sure he could do that. Ask him to protect one of the others, to watch Larabee's back, or someone else's...he could do that. But internal forces...Vin wasn't so sure about that.

And that was the source of his fear. Not the upcoming mission. Sure, he was a little bit afraid of that, 'cause it was...well, the unknown. And yes, the idea of stepping through the Gate made him more than a little nervous. But it was his fear of failing the others which had his gut tied in knots, which made it so damn difficult to sleep. He was determined to do right by Larabee and the others, but that didn't make him any less afraid.

He was the first into the Gate Room at five thirty, double-checking his equipment yet again. Food wasn't even an option for him right now. He had little granola snacks in his backpack, a habit he had gotten into back in Texas. Like Vin himself, Adriana couldn't eat early in the morning, and she couldn't eat when she was nervous...but they both knew they had to eat something sometime. Adriana had taken to eating granola bars once she could eat, and Vin picked up on the habit.

Satisfied that he had everything, that he wouldn't run out of ammunition, Vin put the backpack between his legs, then leaned his head back against the wall. He didn't remember falling asleep...the next thing he knew, a voice was whispering his name and Vin's head jerked up. He blinked and found Larabee at his side. The other man smiled faintly and said, "Figured I'd find you here, when you didn't show up for breakfast."

"Weren't hungry...cain't eat this early. Didn't feel like fieldin' questions or nobody fussin' over me," Vin replied. Larabee nodded his understanding and Vin continued, "How long 'til we move out?" Larabee held out his wrist, allowing Vin to see the time. It was seven am. They were due to leave at seven thirty. Vin smiled faintly and said, "Reckon I should buy m'self a new watch with my first paycheck."

"Reckon that might be a good idea," Larabee agreed with a smile of his own as he sat down beside Vin. The two men were silent for several moments, then Larabee asked quietly, "Couldn't sleep last night?" Vin looked at his companion quickly, then shook his head. Chris continued, "Figured as much. Will that cat nap you just took be enough? We need you wide awake, Tanner, not exhausted."

"Be fine. Don't need much sleep. Never have. Cain't say for sure, never will, 'cause I don't know that," Vin answered. He paused, then continued, "And I heard tell that an hour and a half don't make no cat nap." He looked over at Larabee from the corner of his eye, smirking, and the other man just shook his head with a grin. The lights came on over their heads, and the pair looked up to see General Hammond and SG-1 in the control room. How long they had been there, Vin had no idea.

At the same time, Vin and Chris were joined in the Gate Room by Buck Wilmington and JD Dunne. The pair were arguing animatedly, Buck knocking the boy's cap off his head. A second glance up at the control room revealed General Hammond and Colonel O'Neill grinning broadly, Major Carter outright laughing, and Daniel Jackson scowling at O'Neill, who had ruffled his light brown hair. Indicating the jokesters up in the control room with a jerk of his head, Vin asked, "They like that often?"

"As often as those two," Chris replied, nodding to the private and the major, as Vin rose to his feet. The former bounty hunter held out his hand, helping Chris up, and kept any smart-ass remarks about the colonel's age to himself. After all, General Hammond and Colonel O'Neill were both older than Larabee, and Vin didn't reckon they'd appreciate that too much. The rest of the SG-7 filed into the Gate Room. Including Standish, who barely looked awake.

"You're up early, Brother Vin...couldn't sleep?" Josiah asked sympathetically. Damn, was he transparent all of a sudden? The big man continued with a grin, "First mission. Don't worry about it, son, I don't think there was a one of us who got any sleep last night. The colonel is the only one of us who has been through the Gate, and he warned the rest of us what we could expect during our journey through. Don't imagine you got anything to eat?" Vin shook his head and Josiah nodded approvingly, much to Vin's surprise. The man added, "First time in a situation like this, that's a good idea. Less to come up. I tried to warn young John Dunne there, but he insists he can handle it." This was said with a sigh.

Like that was an image he really needed to have. Still, Vin was glad he had the granola bar in his backpack. The general asked, "Are you ready, SG-7?" All seven men nodded, and the general continued, "According to the probe we sent through late last night, it's now early morning on the planet, and no sign of the Gou'ald or any trouble. You have a go for the mission, Colonel Larabee, and good luck."

As he spoke, the Gate once more began its slow circle. Vin found himself standing in a line along with the other men, at the base of the ramp leading up to the Gate. Larabee stood to his right, Wilmington to his left. As the final chevron was locked, there was an eruption out from the circle, and Vin pulled back. A gentle hand on his right shoulder stopped his progression, and Vin forced himself to relax.

Larabee was the first to head into the...whatever that was. Vin had heard it called a wormhole, but it didn't look like no wormhole he had ever seen. The young man swallowed hard and followed his new friend up the ramp. He stopped at the shimmering fluid and hesitantly reached out to touch it. Taking a deep breath, he thought, I'll watch over 'em both, Drina. Ya got m' word. Something that had always been good enough for her. And then he stepped through.

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Part Thirty-Two

He had never been on an amusement park ride, not like this. He was careening through color and sound, turning everything he knew and believed upside down. Later, he would learn that the trip through lasted only a few seconds, but he was sure it was much, much longer than that. It felt more like an eternity. He was gasping for breath when he reached the other side, and almost took a blind swing when someone grabbed him.

"Easy, Tanner,'s just me," he heard Larabee said. Vin blinked...his vision was still colored by strange lights, but after a moment, he could focus on the colonel. The other man was peering at him. Vin took a deep breath, then smiled weakly and Larabee returned the smile, his hand slipping around to cup the back of Vin's neck. He said, "C'mon, let's get out of the way. I don't think you want the kid puking on you."

Vin grimaced but followed Larabee to the side. Naw, bein' puked on wasn't something he particularly enjoyed. Instead, he looked around, orienting himself to the new environment. It reminded him of the American Southwest...could have been Arizona or New Mexico or Texas. Maybe even parts of Colorado. But despite his best efforts on focusing, the young man could still hear retching, and he made a face. Wilmington was muttering under his breath about telling JD not to eat, that he would just get sick when he went through the Gate...the scolding followed promptly by him reassuring the boy that he would be all right. Vin exchanged a look with Chris, the other man looking oddly sad.

"That's it, then," Chris murmured. Vin frowned. What was it? What was Larabee talkin' about? Chris shook his head, as if something had suddenly become clear to him, and Vin didn't have the first idea what that could be. Chris looked back at Vin and said with a faint grin, "Well, at least I don't have to worry about you doing that. I take it you brought something to eat?" Vin nodded and Chris said, his grin widening, "I did the same thing, the first time I went through the Gate. I was warned ahead of time, but I knew not eating at all was a bad idea."

"Brung a granola bar...two to a pack. Habit I got while I was in Texas. Ya want one?" Vin asked. Chris dipped his head in agreement, and Vin continued, "Reckon we should wait until JD is ready. 'Less ya want me to scout around, see what I can find?" Nathan and Josiah had joined them, each face reflecting combination of sympathy and queasiness which Vin felt, hearing the boy. Ezra and Buck remained at JD's side.

"Not this time...we'll stick together. Strength in numbers, or so they say," Chris answered, and Vin found himself laughing quietly. Chris cocked an eye at him, and asked, "Something funny?" Vin's smile just broadened, and the leader stared at him a moment longer. Finally, he shook his head, muttered something under his breath about 'smart-ass guides,' then called back, "You boys 'bout ready?"

Evidently not, for JD was still retching. Damn, what did he have for breakfast? Vin told Chris, "Ain't nothin' real important. Just remembered somethin' that Dawn was always sayin,' about there bein' strength in numbers. Reckon first time I heard it, was after her two roommates had another argument." It had been about Claire, Vin recalled. Carly had never forgiven Claire for that week after Thanksgiving break, and her habit of badmouthing Adriana's former roommate didn't go over real well with the archaeology student.

"They argue a lot?" Chris asked and Vin shrugged. No more, no less than normal. To him, the arguments between Carly and Adriana were to be expected. Both were strong willed women, who held very strong opinions. Didn't bother him, none, 'cause neither girl ever got ugly. But Dawn got tired of the arguments sometimes, especially the ones about Claire. Of course, when the Richmonds were at the apartment, and Will put his foot in his mouth, Dawn was usually the first one into the free-for-all that usually followed.

"They was friends...a lot alike, and a lot different," Vin replied simply. He eyed Larabee, then glanced over his shoulder at Buck Wilmington, then looked back at Chris, adding, "Reckon it ain't that different from ya and the major. Ya argue, maybe even fight. But if he needs ya, ain't nowhere else ya'd be. Same with those girls. They'd squabble and fuss and fight, like they was sisters, but let anyone else mess with 'em, and God help whoever messed with 'em." More than one male at U of T had the scars to prove it.

"That's a Wilmington trait...Buck hassles and fusses and pushes, but if anyone else messed with that boy, he'd been all of them like flies on shit," Chris answered. Vin smirked. Sounded like someone else he knew. Chanu called Adriana a hellcat...and his 'pet name' for Carly couldn't repeated even in his present company. The first time they had met after that week, Carly had flattened him with one punch.

"Is Brother Buck's sister the same way? You said that was a Wilmington trait, which is why I wondered," Josiah asked. Vin eyed the other man. Was it his imagination, or was the big anthropologist askin' a helluva lot of questions about Drina? A quick glance to his right, to Nathan Jackson, told him the other man was equally puzzled. Perhaps guessing their thoughts, Josiah added, "I am rather curious about the young lady. I've been trying to imagine a pint-sized, female version of the major, and failing rather spectacularly."

"Yeah, Adriana's the same way. She's just a lot quieter about it, is all. I don't ordinarily talk about other people's business, but she's my little sister, too. She made that determination, the first time I called her 'little princess.' Not that I was about to argue with a very determined thirteen year old girl...I wasn't that stupid," Larabee replied. He glanced over his shoulder, as did Vin, and they both saw JD slowly straightening up.

"Why do you call her 'little princess,' Colonel?" Josiah asked with interest. Vin wanted to hear this story as well, as he had never heard it from Adriana. She just told him that Chris usually called her 'little princess.' No explanation of the nickname...maybe because she didn't know? Or there were some secrets which were precious between herself and Chris Larabee? Hell, if that was the case, weren't like Vin would hold it against her.

"Because the first time I met her, Buck had dragged me to a school play she was in. As shy as she was, I still can't believe she had the guts to get up on stage...she was playing a fairy, and she looked just like a little princess in her costume. Hell, she didn't look any older than nine or ten years old, until I saw her close up. I told her how pretty she looked, and Buck added my comment about a little princess, and the name stuck," Chris replied.

Vin could just imagine the picture in his head. And though it was true Adriana had still been terribly shy as a college senior, he could also see her in a school play if she wasn't the only one on the stage at the time...she wasn't the center of attention. Nathan asked, "I'd love to see a picture of that...did either of you take your cameras to the play?" Suddenly, Larabee's face closed over, and Vin had an eerie feeling he knew what the answer would be.

"You'd have to ask Buck. We gotta get going...time is short, boys," the man replied brusquely. Translation, Vin thought, he did, but it burned up when he lost his wife and son. Buck and JD approached with Ezra, and Chris continued, "You okay?" JD nodded, still looking more than a little pale, and Chris continued, "The village is this way. Colonel O'Neill provided a map, but Private Dunne, I want you taking very careful notes for a new map, understood? The general wants as much information about this world as possible. Another thing...we stick together. No heroics, not stupid-ass stunts. You want to check something out, something doesn't look quite right to you, at least one other person goes along."

Everyone nodded their understanding, even the ashen-faced young private. Larabee made eye contact with each man, before nodding in satisfaction. He continued, "Good. Nathan, you have everything you need? That you know of, at least?" The medic nodded, his brown eyes roving around the landscape. He was ticking off possible dangers in his mind...Vin was no mind reader, but that much was obvious. Larabee continued, "General Hammond told me that Dr. Tyler had supplies with her, in case they become necessary."

With that settled, the men headed in the direction of the village. Vin made sure of that...he had listened carefully to the directions. The other men fell in behind, Vin at the colonel's side. As they walked, Vin said quietly, "It was destroyed by the bomb...that picture ya took." Chris stiffened, then nodded, and Vin added, still in a quiet voice, "I'm right sorry, Cowboy." The other man was silent, then green eyes slid to him questioningly.

But Vin had nothing more to say. Instead, he trudged at Larabee's side, his eyes taking note of his surroundings once more. After several moments, Chris said quietly, "Yeah. Sarah had been putting pressure on Buck, to invite his sister for a visit in the last few weeks. Adam..." His voice broke. Vin started to speak, to tell Chris it wasn't that important, but Chris shook his head. He cleared his throat, then continued, "Adam was so excited. He had Uncle Buck, of course, but he wanted to meet Auntie Adriana as well."

The two men walked in silence, then Chris went on, "Sarah had almost convinced Buck when it happened. He promised to think about it, while we were away at training. And then... After that...I started going on benders every weekend...hell, every chance I got. Buck missed his sister's graduation because of me, because he decided to stay in North Carolina instead of going to Texas. Why can I tell you this?" They were well ahead of the others, and Larabee stopped and turned to Vin. His pale eyes were narrowed as he continued, "I haven't talked to anyone about them in years. Why you?"

Vin looked away. He didn't have the answer. Not to that question, but he had the answer to another. He replied, "Ain't rightly sure, cowboy. But reckon if ya can trust me with that, there's somethin' ya oughta know 'bout me." The two men began walking again, once Chris nodded his acceptance. Vin said softly, "If I end up gettin' killed, got a favor to ask of ya. I want ya to find my friend, the gal I done told y'all about."

"I'll do that," Chris assured him, "but I gotta know her name, Tanner. You got an address or something of that kind?" Vin smiled humorlessly, but didn't say anything at first. He glanced over his shoulder...the others were lagging behind. Wilmington was continuing to hover over JD, and Chris murmured, "He's been saving that up...he wouldn't ask Adriana to North Carolina, because he was afraid of destroying her innocence. She could have done with a little less adoration, and a little more love."

"Reckon you're right," Vin acknowledged, "and reckon if he hadn't a' been so hell-bent on protectin' her, he woulda found out that Miss Drina was a helluva lot stronger than he thought. And not nearly as innocent." Chris stopped in his tracks, staring at Vin, stormclouds starting to appear in his eyes. The young man stopped as well, meeting the colonel's eyes. He said, "Y'all can find my friend in Germany, Colonel. In...oh, 'bout a year or so, y'all be knowin' her as 'Dr. Adriana Wilmington.' But to me, reckon she'll be 'Drina' forever."

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Part Thirty-Three

It was one of those moments, one of those situations, when you had no idea how to react. Chris Larabee had spent the last few years reacting to those moments in one of two ways...studied indifference or violence. This time, he did neither. He just stared at Tanner, struggling to comprehend what had just been said. The young man returned the gaze calmly. But even Chris, who had just met him only days earlier, could see the anxiety lurking in the bright eyes.

He thought back to what had been said, and not said during the last few days. Vin's reaction when JD dismissed Buck's sister as boring, because she was studying to be an archaeologist, and his fierce defense of his friend in Texas. Saying that she was unpredictable. Well, now that Chris thought about it, he was right...Adriana was very unpredictable at times. Chris could never figure out what she would do next.

And yet, as he thought about it, Chris still found it difficult to process. Tanner knew Adriana, and he hadn't said anything. Why? How had he met her? Aside from what he had already said, about them being part of a search and rescue team to find a missing little girl who had run away from home. Chris felt certain that was only part of the story. At last, he asked what was probably the dumbest question on the face of the planet, "You know Adriana?"

Tanner nodded, and Chris repeated, "You know's the archaeology student. The one you met on the dig." Again, Vin nodded. Chris wasn't sure if he should deck the guide, or just let it go. And again, he wondered...why had the kid said nothing? His eyes came to rest on Buck. The overprotective big brother who saw his sister as innocent and naive, with no clue as to what happened between a man and a woman.

Yes, it made sense, now that Chris thought about it. Buck thought Adriana had no clue about what happened between a man and a woman, that was why he didn't want her visiting. At the same time, she and Tanner were the same age. And they had been very close. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had gone through Tanner's mind. What probably would have gone through Buck's mind, as well.

"I pick my fights real careful, Colonel. And didn't seem right to me, shootin' off my mouth, 'fore I knew if I could trust y'all. I ain't trusted no one in two years, Colonel. Not since I lit outta Texas. Weren't that I couldn't trust y'all with Adriana's life, but I reckoned you and the major was right protective of her," the young man replied at last. He paused as the other men drew closer, then added softly, "And ya are. Both of ya."

And he was. Chris thought back his own reaction...could he say that it hadn't crossed his mind that Vin and Adriana had been...intimate? And wasn't that why he had wanted to deck Tanner, not because the kid had kept it from him? No, Vin had done the smart thing. Buck still wasn't sure about their guide/sharpshooter, and until Vin gained his trust, it was probably smart if Vin didn't mention his friendship with Buck's treasured little sister.

Granted, it wasn't real likely he would be happy about them keeping this from him, but in the first place, Chris didn't figure it was his story to tell, it was Vin's. In the second place, Buck's rationality tended to go right out the window when his sister was involved. That was one of the things that had driven Chris insane, in those last months before Sarah and Adam was killed. You'd think, that as protective of his sister as Buck was, he would jump at the chance to have his baby sister around, where he could keep an eye on her.

Then again, with the Wilmington siblings, nothing ever made sense. Scratch tha...nothing involving the Wilmington family, in general, ever made sense. Not after the stories Chris had heard from Buck about their father, and about Katrien van Gesen Wilmington, Adriana's mother. Hell, Buck and Adriana were the only sane members of the family. In any event, Chris had decided it was Vin's story to tell, and if he wasn't comfortable with telling Buck and the others about this yet, Chris would respect that. However... The colonel looked over at the approaching men, then back at Vin, and said softly, "We ain't finished talkin' about this, Tanner. Not yet. Got me?" Vin nodded his understanding as the others caught up.

"Sorry, Colonel, but you did say you wanted a detailed map," Private Dunne apologized. Chris nodded curtly and began walking again. Tanner fell into step beside him...beside him, the colonel noticed. Not behind or in front of. At his side. Buck walked behind him, still hassling the young cartographer about eating so much at breakfast. What, hadn't the kid learned anything in the Army? Eating a lot before a mission was not a good idea.

Hell, maybe Chris was getting old. He didn't remember having so little energy...or patience...when he was younger. Old, hell! Chris was only thirty-eight, and rather young for a colonel. So maybe it was just the kid who was making him feel so damn old? The cartographer was chattering away, stopping only to catch his breath. A glance to his right told him that Vin was struggling to keep from laughing, and Larabee wondered what the guide found so funny.

Tanner caught his eye and glanced over his shoulder, then grinned again. Larabee understood, then. Maybe it wasn't him after all...Tanner was close to Dunne's age, and the young cartographer was having a similar effect on the sharpshooter/guide. Once more, Dunne and the others fell behind, and Chris asked, " did you and Adriana become friends? She never talked much about personal stuff in her letters, unless it was asking for advice about dealing with Buck. She usually talked about classes."

Tanner laughed softly, answering, "We was set up, Colonel. By Drina's advisor, Priscilla Meadows. Reckon she was a bit like Drina's ma. Always looked out for her. I was in a mite of a jam, with a married lady who liked me, and Priscilla told me that she would meet me at the library, after her classes. 'Cept, she didn't have no night classes in the summer...but she knew Drina spent a lot of time there."

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Part Thirty-Four

"Busted," Chris observed. He had heard of Dr. Meadows, and agreed that the woman tended to treat Adriana like a daughter, based on what Adriana had told him in her letters. His 'little sister' had been devastated when her advisor and mentor died in her senior year. Had it been the fall or spring semester? Chris couldn't was around the time of the bombing, and things were more than a little blurry. The colonel continued, "You walked her home from the library...just like Priscilla intended." The young man nodded, blushing ever so slightly, and Chris said, "That was where it began, with you walking her home from the library."

"Yup. She was the first best friend I ever had. Oh, we had our share a' arguments. Lord, I remember this one time, 'bout a year after I met Drina, she had gone out with a friend a' hers, the married lady I done told ya 'bout earlier?" Vin began. Chris nodded, remembering, and Vin went on, "Well, they was out all night. I got scared when I called her in the mornin,' and she weren't back. Come to find out, it were late when they got back to Charlotte's house, and Adriana fell asleep 'fore she had a chance to call Dawn and Carly, Drina's roommates."

"It scared the hell out of you, and you ripped into her both barrels," Chris guessed. Vin nodded, looking more than a little ashamed. Chris continued, "I've done that a time or two myself. That girl could always scare the hell out of me. One time, she pulled one of her disappearing acts...when she got back, I could have shaken her 'til her teeth rattled. However, she pointed out that she did leave a note, and she did mention when she intended to get back. And she did...but it had fallen under the table when we came flying into the kitchen."

"Aw hell...and then she gave ya one of them Looks a' hers, and the 'I was perfectly fine, ya ain't my pa' lectures?" Vin asked. Chris laughed outright and nodded. Vin sighed, "Yup, me, too. 'Cept, I reckon the lecture I got was a helluva lot worse, 'cause I'm only three months older than her. If I ripped into her both barrels, reckon she tore a strip outta my hide, too. Oh, she was mad. Reckon I can understand, too. I acted like she got no sense, and that drives her plumb loco. Then again, reckon that ain't unusual for her."

A broad grin had flashed across the guide's face, and his eyes twinkled with laughter. For a moment, for just a moment, the desire to deck the guide to return. Until he realized that the newest member wasn't making fun of Adriana.

In fact, Chris had only to think of Adriana to realize the young man was right. Not about being crazy, although that was true. No, Chris realized how angry Adriana must have been, that a boy only three months older than herself was treating her like she was stupid. Adriana had never taken kindly to being patronized...if she even thought she was being patronized, she tended to blow her stack.

Chris would have said more, but Vin had stopped and murmured, "Reckon we're there, cowboy. Look." He nodded to the cliff, and the pair slowly approached the edge. Chris looked down, and swallowed hard. Shit. He hated heights. But Vin was right...below them was the village which Jack O'Neill had described for him. And approaching them from the bottom was a slender young woman. Dr. Rain Tyler, no doubt.


Telling Larabee about Adriana was a helluva lot easier than Vin expected. Maybe because Larabee was far more realistic about her, maybe because the man had an amazing ability to read Vin. He wasn't sure. He just knew he was grateful that Larabee hadn't pushed him off the cliff when he found out the truth. Which, Vin admitted, was a possibility that had crossed his mind. He had expected Larabee to deck him, or give him a free flyin' lesson off of the cliff.

He had thought a lot about Larabee's first meeting with Adriana, nearly twelve years earlier, and Vin had a pretty good idea what had happened. Even when he knew her, Drina wasn't used to people calling her pretty, even though Vin believed she was. He knew Dawn and Carly, Claire and Koje agreed. But when her brother's new best friend complimented her on how pretty she looked, when her brother added Larabee's statement that she looked like a little princess, Larabee had won Adriana's heart.

Maybe because she realized he didn't say things just to say them? It was possible, hell, even likely. One thing which had made them such good friends was Vin's habit of keeping to himself. He didn't babble incessantly, as Drina put it once. Actually, neither did Drina, 'less she was nervous. But that were different. Vin had quickly come to realize that his friend had little tolerance for bullshit. In that respect, the guide realized, she and Larabee were a lot alike.

Come to think of it, he would have had an easier time believing that Larabee actually was Drina's brother by blood, rather than by mutual adoption. Despite her dark hair and dark eyes, she behaved more like Larabee's sister than Wilmington's, and that fascinated Vin. But, at the same time, the more he observed the major, the more similarities he found between the siblings, beyond their dark hair and fair skin. Like the tendency both siblings had to fuss, although, Vin realized that Drina was far more subtle about it than her brother.

Still, as they made their way down the cliff toward Rain Tyler, Vin said softly, "Just thinkin,' cowboy. If I didn't know better, I'd swear Drina was your sister, and not the major's. She acts like ya, sorta. And I reckon that's why she 'dopted ya, like she done. She saw ya didn't talk to hear yourself talk, knew she could trust ya." Chris looked at him quickly, looking...not puzzled. Just curious.

But there was no time for Larabee to ask his question, because Rain Tyler had joined them. She said, "Colonel's a pleasure. Hello, I'm Dr. Rain Tyler." She extended her hand to Vin, who shook it, and continued, "I received the message from General Hammond, he told me that he was sending you. The chief will be very pleased to see you. I have more information about our enemy."

Chris nodded for her to continue, and Rain said, "The first thing you must understand is, Anderson is not Gou'ald. He is human. From what I've been able to learn from various sources, the Gou'ald abducted him more than a hundred years ago. He was a colonel in the American Civil War, who had begun a descent into madness, because of his dependency on laudanum. This I learned from one of the former Jaffa. The Gou'ald cured him of his addiction, then created a new addiction for him, to make him their puppet."

"The sarcophagus," Chris guessed and Rain nodded. Chris explained to Vin, "The SGC found out a few years ago that repeated use of the Gou'ald sarcophagus led to addictive behavior." Vin decided he didn't want to know how they found that out, and instead, nodded his understanding. He had learned about the Gou'ald sarcophagus during one of his briefings, once he had agreed to join the SGC. Chris continued, "So, they've kept this guy in their pocket by feeding his addiction, and prevented his aging, by using the sarcophagus." Once more, Rain nodded and Chris swore angrily.

"Yes. Further, I've learned that the colonel's mind is almost completely gone. He believes that he's in 1870's New Mexico. He has a lieutenant who acts as a go-between, explaining that when the colonel speaks of gold, he actually means naquada. The chief has spoken of using the colonel's insanity against him, but we haven't come up with a decent plan yet. Right now, our prime objective is the protection of the village," Rain answered.

As they talked, Vin allowed his eyes to roam around the village. They were being regarded with hostility...they were outsiders, even potential enemies, something Vin understood well. It seemed likely that these former slaves, former Jaffa, and natives were used to being badly treated by the Gou'ald, just as the Native Americans on his own planet had been badly treated by the settlers, and even now, only a few years from the new millennium, the scars remained.

"Any chance of using the lieutenant?" Larabee asked, "of getting him to turn against the colonel? And is this lieutenant human or Gou'ald?" Now that was something that Vin was still struggling with. From what he could understand, the host was generally human, but the...soul? Mind? The controlling aspect, the dominant personality, was Gou'ald. He laughed to himself, realizing he had listened more to Dawn than he realized when she was talking about multiple personalities.

"Of that, we are not sure. He tries to guide the colonel, but Anderson doesn't always listen. The chief has already begun instructing his people in the defense of their village, but I believe you, as the leader of SG-7, should confer with him. Even the children are helping. It's been a while since I was at the SGC, do you have a medic in SG-7? They were just starting to form SG-7 when I arrived here," Rain asked.

Vin shifted, allowing Nathan to move forward. The medic was almost stammering as he replied, "Uhm, I...I'm Nathan Jackson, ma'am. I act as the medic for the team." Vin smiled to himself, shifting his attention to Rain. She was staring at Nathan as if she had never seen a man before. Vin glanced at Chris, and his smile died. There was no amusement in the pale hazel eyes, only memories. The man was lost in the past...remembering his first meeting with his Sarah?

"That...that is very good. We will have need of a healer," Rain said. She seemed unable to tear her eyes away from Nathan, and Vin cleared his throat, ever so slightly. Larabee was lost in the past, and Nathan seemed as unwilling or unable to look away as Rain Tyler. The young doctor blinked, then said hastily, "Very good. I should take you to the chief." Her words snapped both Nathan and Chris back to the mission.

"Lead on," Chris said hoarsely. Rain nodded, glanced one last time at Nathan, then led them into the village. Vin continued looking around, taking note of the high ground, where he could set up. Preferably high ground, with good cover. But if all else failed, he could create his own cover. But before they did anything else, they needed to speak to the chief. Some of them at least...glancing around at the others, Vin could see that Nathan was looking for a place he could use as a field hospital. Josiah Sanchez would, in all likelihood, join him and Chris.

JD was still writing furiously, trying to ignore Buck's continued harassment. And Ezra? Ezra's eyes had lit up when he saw children. Hmmm. Now that was interesting. Vin liked kids just fine, but he saw a transformation in Ezra. The mask dropped away. Now that, the guide thought, is right interestin.' Reckon I should keep an eye on him, see what I can find out while he's with the little ones.

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Part Thirty-Five

JD Dunne didn't know what to make of this place. He had heard about the Stargate program, had heard about everything...about the Jaffa, about the Gou'ald. About the different planets they could travel to. But nothing, absolutely nothing, could have prepared him for the reality. Not for the mind-blowing trip through the Gate (and that, he vowed, was the last time he listened to someone who said going through the Gate was anything

JD had been born in Trenton, New Jersey, had grown up there. The winters were frigid, usually covered with snow, and the summers were unbearable. He and his mother had lived in a small apartment, with a reduced rent since his mother cleaned the other apartments for the super. The plan had originally been for JD to go to college. He had always been fascinated by the Old West, and his mother had wanted him to study history because of that love.

But then, his mother had become sick. And despite the valiant effort of the doctors to save her life, she had died only weeks after JD graduated from high school. There wasn't enough money for him to go to college, not right now. So he enlisted in the Army, with the idea he would be able to go to college through the military. But instead of history, he found himself drawn to cartography.

JD had never believed in Fate. His father had run out on them when JD was still a baby, and his mother's failing health had destroyed any faith he might have had in God. But something happened to change his view. He had a chance encounter with General Orrin W. Travis, who had been impressed with his skills with maps. From that encounter, he learned of an elite team which Travis was creating with Air Force Colonel Christopher Larabee.

To say that JD had heard of Chris Larabee was an understatement. Even in the Army, the colonel had become a legend in the last few years. He volunteered for the most dangerous missions, the ones with a low survival probability. And yet, he always came back...and his men came back with him. When JD had learned of that team, he knew he had to be a part of it. Chris Larabee was part of the reason he had joined the military, Larabee and men like him.

It had taken the combined pressure of Generals Travis and Hammond before the colonel would accept him on the team. JD didn't know why that was...if it was because of his youth, or something else. Not at first. Until the night after a simulation, and JD had found himself confronting a dark part of himself. It hadn't been the psych test, though that had rattled JD but good...rather, it was a simulation of how he would react to killing someone.

He didn't kill anyone, really. But the experience had shaken him...and shaken him badly. He had retreated to his apartment with a bottle of whiskey he had borrowed...alright, stolen...from Colonel O'Neill, and proceeded to get drunk. Colonel Larabee had come looking for him, when no one could find him on the base, along with Buck Wilmington. Gently urging him to take it easy with the alcohol, and JD had lashed out at the colonel. Telling him that he wasn't JD's father. Hurt had flickered briefly in the colonel's eyes...before a smile which didn't reach his eyes appeared, and the colonel slipped out onto the balcony.

JD hadn't known how to approach the colonel after that. He idolized the man, hell, they all did. And then, he had put his foot in his mouth at dinner a few nights earlier. He hadn't meant to insult Buck's sister, but he just didn't see how anyone who spent that much time in the past could be interesting. He hadn't realized that the colonel loved her as much as Buck did, or how fiercely protective his new protector was of his sister.

And it wasn't like his fascination with the Old West. That was exciting, after all. An exciting time, not that far in the past. And, quite without meaning to, he had insulted their new guide as well. JD's eyes flickered to Vin Tanner. The guide was about five or six years older than JD, from what he had heard, but he behaved like he was the same age as the colonel, or Buck. He was quiet, competent, and tough. JD had heard some of the women in the SGC talking about the newcomer. It had made him blush, to hear the way they were talking about Vin, whom JD had liked immediately.

It was hard not to like Vin. In the last few days, he had gotten to know Vin, at least a little bit. He was the only one who didn't treat JD like a child...who quietly supported JD. Sure, he called JD 'kid,' but it was the same way JD would have called Dr. Frasier's daughter Cassie 'kid.' It didn't mean anything, the way Vin said it. It what had Dr. Frasier called it when he asked her about it? Oh yeah. A term of endearment.

And Vin had led an exciting life. He had been a bounty hunter at one time, helped on search and rescue teams. He had spent his entire life here in the West, and it wasn't hard to see that Colonel Larabee felt at ease with ease which JD didn't see with Buck, who was the colonel's longtime friend. JD had also realized that their medic, Nathan, was quietly protective of the newcomer, maybe because other people wouldn't have helped Nathan in the bar fight. Something that JD thought was dumb, but that was just how it was.

Right now, Vin was sitting with Colonel Larabee, the chief of the tribe, and Josiah Sanchez. JD studied the former bounty hunter, noting his stance and the way his eyes seemed to flicker around their surroundings before returning to the chief. JD looked away from the guide and the colonel, and cast his eyes to Buck Wilmington. The big man had appointed himself as JD's protector and general pain in the ass. Although now, JD admitted he wished he had listened when the others told him not to eat so much.

JD wondered if Buck treated his little sister the same way he treated JD. He had learned that Buck's sister was named 'Adriana,' an unusual, pretty name. He thought at first that it was Spanish, but Buck explained that his stepmother had been Dutch. Had been? Had been, Buck confirmed...she had been killed when Adriana was eight years old. A brutal, brutal murder, made all the more devastating when her small daughter found her body.

JD happened to see Ezra's face when Buck mentioned that fact...had seen the negotiator turn almost white with horror. Ezra had murmured, "God help that poor child. To observe such a horror, at such a young age. Your sister must be truly an extraordinary girl, to survive such a heinous crime." JD didn't know what Ezra meant. After all, Adriana's mother had been the one murdered...nothing had been done to her.

It was one of the times when he was grateful he had kept his mouth shut. Ezra shook his head, before Buck or JD could say anything, murmuring, "To be eight years old...and find your mother, murdered. The cowardly perpetrator of this horrible crime should be punished fully, not just for the crime against the mother, but for the nightmares and horror visited upon the daughter." It had been the first time JD had seen Ezra look that horrified.

"They never found the bastard who killed Katrien. I was at the Academy at the time, spent as much time with DeeDee as I could after her mother's murder, up until the time I graduated. She had always been a quiet little thing, but after her mama was murdered... After that, seemed the only time DeeDee was really lively was when she was around Chris. He could make her face light up, just by smiling at her," Buck said quietly.

So maybe JD had been wrong about her. Maybe someone who had survived finding her mother dead, and who had gone on, wasn't that boring. JD had only to think of how shattered he had been by his mother's death...then thought about how he would have felt if she had been murdered. If he had only been eight years old at the time. He had wanted to die after his mother's death from an illness...what would he have done, if she had been murdered?

He couldn't have said why he was now curious about Buck's sister...he just knew that she helped to provide a missing piece of the puzzle that was Chris Larabee. While Josiah, the colonel, and Vin had conferred with the chief, Nathan had set up his field hospital, and Buck regaled JD and Ezra with stories about the Chris Larabee who had existed before the murders of his wife and son, nearly three years earlier.

It seemed likely that Anderson would attack the following day. JD didn't know how he would feel during the battle. If he would disgrace himself and run, or if he would be able to fight like a man. And so, he drifted to sleep that night, listening to Buck's stories about the Air Force Academy, about Chris Larabee, and about their years of raising hell together before Larabee had fallen in love with Sarah Connelly.


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