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The Jack of All Trades Compendium

Information Pages:
Nitpicker's Compendium to JoAT
JoAT Players and Episode Guide
What Happened To Me That Turned Me Into You?

Fun and Games:
Own a Piece of Pulau Pulau

Jack of All Trades Fan Fiction:
"Birthday Bash And Party Poopers"
"Em's Night Out" by TeenageScully
"Episodically Speaking
"With A Little Help From A Friend"
"You Don't Bring Me Flowers" by Jordi

Are you interested in exchanging ideas and information about "Jack of All Trades" or to talk about any of Bruce Campbell projects in general? We've got some of the friendliest bunch of people on the web on the message board, "Jack of All Trades". Come here to express yourself!

Postscripts From The Edge

Or as I like to call it, "My 15 minutes of fame." Imagine my surprise when a quote I had left on the StudioUSA's official JoAT Message Board appeared on their Jack Of All Trades Web Page. Every week the folks picked a scintillating new quote to advertise "Jack". Here's mine.

Woohoo! Jack of All Trades is now on DVD! Pick up your copy and savor the fun moments, again and again and again.

Jack and Em montageWhy a compendium? Why not? Included on this page you will find links to other Jack pages, information, a little fun, fan fiction and my famous, or should I say infamous Nitpicker's Compendium to Jack of All Trades.

A proud member of the Save Jack Campaign!


Image idea borrowed from Jordanna
Visit her site, Governor Croque's Study

This Jack of All Trades FanRing site is owned by Margui.
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This is a non-commercial fan-run site. All images copyright of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: This site is not intending to violate any copyrights held by StudiosUSA, Renaissance Pictures or any other entity involved with the making of Jack of All Trades.