Information Pages: Fun and Games: Jack of All Trades Fan Fiction:
![]() What is a nit you ask? Simply put it's a mistake that is caught on camera. Often it's as simple as a problem with continuity, or perhaps dialog that contradicts itself. I'm here to catalog those nits. Now you would think that a quality half hour show like "Jack of All Trades" wouldn't have any mistakes, right? Au contraire. |
This page will work on only one postulate
: Once Jack puts on the black mask, the population of Pulau Pulau enters some type of mass hypnosis. Even though the Daring Dragoon sounds like, acts like and has an uncanny resemblance to Jack Stiles, no one can recognize the similarities. Other than that, everything is fair game.Even though the show has finished production, and your Jack of All Trade tape is sitting on a shelf, that doesn't mean there are no more nits to be found! If you are a fellow nitpicker, and would like to submit a nit to the page, just email me here. I will gladly give you acknowledgement for your nit.
"Out of Thin Air"-A category related to "Now You See It...", this is the category where I lump the sudden appearance of an object not visibly recorded in the scene. It's like it appears out of thin air. "Now You See It, Now You Don't", explores the changes of items already established in the scene.
"Name Game"-This is the category where I expose the incontinuity of Names, Places and Dates. It is usually a problem with dialog.
"Gilligan's Island Syndrome"-This is a phenomenon that seems to have caught on in many shows, that is the evidence of duplicate wardrobes. How many red shirts and white pants did Gilligan really have?
"Faster Than A Speeding Bullet"-Another continuity category, where things happen at an alarmingly fast pace. It could be anything from eating a sandwich to changing clothes. Who knows?
"Thank You For Noticing"-This category is used for all the faux pas and character inconsistencies that are encountered in the series.
"Historical Hysterics"-This category is designed to catalog all the historical inaccuracies that make their way onto your T. V. screen.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
I love stock footage. Really I do! Every time an editor uses stock footage it is usually frought with nits. For example, When Jack and Emilia meet for the first time, she is wearing a blue dress. In the next scene we see Jack and Emilia walking to her home. She is clearly wearing a blue and white dress. The editor used some stock footage as filler. When we see them again, Emilia is opening the front door and she is back to wearing her blue dress.
-Thanks goes to Wellington for keen eyes and keen nitpicking.
Also in the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
As the Daring Dragoon was "sword playing" on the ship, the buckle he wears on his cape unbuckled. He jumped up and when he came back down again, the cape was buckled. When did he have time to do this? He was fighting Brogard at the time.
Also in the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Emilia is underwater approaching the French ship with intentions of finding the Captain's Orders. As she climbs out of the water, we see her climbing over the ship's ledge and into the ship. She then removes the diver's bell from her head. Her entire head of long hair is dry, and her hair extended well below the diver's bell.
-Thanks to lasermn for diving into this nit for me.
In the "Name Game" category-
Croque said he was Napoleon's brother. Now it is not established in this episode whether Croque is Napoleon's full, half or step brother. But one begs to ask, "why the different names"?
Emilia Rothschild told Jack Stiles in this episode that her departed husband was French. Rothschild is decidedly not a French name. In "Daddy Dearest" we learn that Emilia's maiden name is Smythe. So where did the name Rothschild come from?
BTW, in the Jack of All Trades official web page, Graves is listed as the last name of Emilia's father. Since Smythe is listed in the credits, I am going to assume that this is canon.
-Thanks EmiliaStyles for pointing this nit out to me.
In the "Historical Hysterics" category-
In this episode, Governor Croque introduces Napoleon in the family portrait as "the supreme Emperor du France". This episode is supposed to take place in 1801. Napoleon did not become Emperor of France until 1804.
Also in the "Historical Hysterics" category-
Jack mentioned twice in this episode that he needed to get some marshmallows as he stepped through the burning fire in the fireplace and into the secret laboratory. I have it on good authority that marshmallows weren't invented in the fluffy form we all know as marshmallows until the mid 1800's, well before 1801, when this episode was supposed to take place.
-Thanks to lasermn for this nit.
In the "Out of Thin Air" category-
When Jack was in the Governor's Study, where did he get the sword he used to fight off Brogard? There was no sword visible in the room.
Also in the "Out of Thin Air" category-
The "Dragoon's" hat seems to have appeared out of thin air. Jack picks it up from the hat rack hanging on the wall, however previous to this scene, there were several panoramic shots of the Governor's study and the hat rack. There was, however, no hat hanging from it.
In the "Name Game" category-
When Monsieur Martin and Emilia first meet, Croque brags about Emilia's linguistic skills. Martin asks in Bushman, "How's your Bushman".
I have it on good authority that the Bushman have a unique society and that there is no such concept as ownership. Therefore the language contains no possessive pronouns such as "your" As such, it would have been impossible for Martin to have asked this particular question.
-Thanks to my resident linguistics expert Seriana for pointing this out.
In the "Historical Hysterics" category-
In this episode, Brogard also introduces Napoleon as "the supreme Emperor du France". Now remember, this episode is supposed to take place in 1801 and Napoleon did not become Emperor until 1804. I suppose I should give this item the Continuity Award of Historical Nits-because at least they managed to stay consistant in this little historical error.
In the "Out Of Thin Air" category-
Literally! As the guards are carrying the royal rug down from the ship they turn the roll's end toward the camera. We can see right through the rolled up rug. Clearly Napoleon is not hiding there. Of course, as they roll it out, Napoleon suddenly appears at the end of the runner.
-Thanks Jordi for seeing right through that scene and finding that obvious nit.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
During the card game when Napoleon is practicing his psychological warfare on the Daring Dragoon, he climbs up onto the table and approaches the Dragoon. Notice the 5 cards on the table just to the left of Napoleon's feet. Where did they come from? When we cut back to Jack as he is imagining everyone in their underwear, we can see his cards still in his left hand. When Napoleon storms away moments later, the cards are missing from the table.
For this nit, I've created a new category. I'll call it the "Foreign Film Flubs" category-
Believe it or not, Jack of All Trades is now being shown in non-English speaking countries. In the Ukraine the episodes are subtitled. A fan wrote me to tell me of a nit in the subtitles. She said that during the scene where the Dragoon and Napoleon are playing poker, the subtitles have Emilia calling the Dragoon "Jack" on one occasion. I replayed the scene, and it's not in the English version, so it must be a problem with transcribing the subtitles. Now, I generally like to check these nits out myself, before I publish them, but considering my Russian is a bit rusty (I did take some Serbo-Croatian lessons from my dad, though), I'll take her word for it.
-Thanks go to Darya Semyonova for her subtitle nitpickery.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Both Jack and Emilia are trying to open a large crate with a couple of crow bars. After Emilia successfully opens the crate we can visibly see and hear both Jack and Emilia drop the crow bars. A moment later we see a panoramic view of the loading area as the 4 sides of the crate come crashing down. There were no crow bars in sight. Where did they go?
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
You would think that two accomplished spies like Rupert and Jack would know better. Both carry on a conversation behind a flower kiosk in full view of at least 6 French soldiers and Jack is dressed as the Dragoon!
Also in the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
Is it really nice for you to talk about your father behind his back? As Emilia was trying to bolster her father's confidence after his unfortunate encounter with the French soldiers, Emilia and Jack planned and plotted with Rupert just feet away. Granted, he was despondent at the moment, but the least they could have done was whispered.
In the "Faster Than A Speeding Bullet" category-
Right after Emilia drops the smoke bomb and leaves her father to do some "fighting", she is dressed in her normal street clothes, and then exactly 43 seconds later she's in her tight, black, spy outfit. Could Emilia be a quick change artist?
-Thanks TeenageScully for going to the trouble of timing that "quick change".
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
For accomplished spies, Jack and Emilia sured don't know how to keep a secret. When they visit Benjamin Franklin, they are escorted by a French guard. He opens the celled chamber and then hangs in the background just inside the door while Jack Stiles and Emilia Rothschild explain to Franklin who they are. Jack announces he's a spy and Emilia announces she is working for the British to thwart Napoleon's empirial expansion. All this and the guard was easily in earshot.
-Thanks to scolistician for pointing out this nit.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
When Jack Stiles comes to visit Benjamin Franklin in the hoosegow he brings a platter full of sandwiches, actually 3 by my count. He gives Franklin one and takes one for himself. That should leave one left on the plate. In the next scene, it appears that Jack has another sandwich, but there is still one on the plate. A second later, that sandwich is gone.
This scene is frought with continuity problems. I can imagine a whole slew of half eaten sandwiches on the floor of the jail. In one shot, Jack takes a bite of sandwich, in the next he has a whole new one. He takes a bite of that sandwich, and in the next shot, he seems to have another uneaten sandwich.
In the "Historical Hysterics" category-
Benjamin Franklin was a key figure in this episode. The series is supposed to take place in 1801 or shortly after. Benjamin Franklin died in 1790.
-Thanks go to Beth for bringing this little gem of a nit to my attention.
Also in the "Historical Hysterics" category-
In this episode, Blackbeard makes an unsavory reference to Long John Silver. Unless Long John Silver happens to be an old pirate folk hero, he would not have known of the fictional character. Robert Louis Stevenson did not write Treasure Island until 1883.
-Thanks Jordi for pirating that nit away from me.
And one more in the "Historical Hysterics" category-
Blackbeard was having dinner in the Governor's Mansion with Croque and Brogard. He was on a tirade about his visit to Pulau Pulau and finally settled on complaining about the water. Croque responded by turning to one of his entourage and telling him to get "Penicillin, tout de suite". Of course, Alexander Fleming did not discover penicillin until 1928!
-Thanks Darya Semyonova for remembering penicillin was a 20th century discovery.
In the "Gilligan's Island Syndrome" category-
I wonder if Jack Stiles has a closet full of identical clothes? In one scene, Jack gets shot. The bullet hole is clearly visible on his gold vest. Sometime later, Jack walks into the secret laboratory with an identical vest sans bullet hole. Either he has a closet full of identical clothing, or he employs a very good seamstress.
In the "Out of Thin Air" category-
Both Jack and Emilia are on an afternoon jaunt when they come across Governor Croque and Camille being attacked by bandits. Both Emilia and Jack seem surprised, so I have to believe that this event is unexpected. Jack jumps off of the wagon and asks Emilia to look surprised when he comes back as the Dragoon. Jack had nothing in his hands, but when he comes back he has changed into the Daring Dragoon. Am I supposed to believe that Jack Stiles keeps a set of Dragoon clothing behind every bush in Pulau Pulau?
In the "Faster Than A Speeding Bullet" category-
Has Jack been taking "quick change" lessons from Emilia? Camille barely had time to recover from her encounter with The Daring Dragoon, when Jack comes out of the bushes wearing his regular clothes.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't category-
While at the Cocques St. Jacques, Jack fought Brogard in his improvised Dragoon outfit. He was wearing white suspenders. When he returned to the room with Em's red cape, he has on colored suspenders.
-Thanks go to Bummer2323 for noticing this little fashion faux pas.
In the "Faster Than A Speeding Bullet" category-
Kentucky Sue was outside reminiscing with Jack about the good-ol'-days. She continues on her diatribe when he disappears. Thirteen seconds later he returns, swinging down from a deck in full Daring Dragoon regalia. In fact, the camera pans back to Kentucky Sue, who is now doing a monologue, never realizing that Jack had left her side. Of course, it was just thirteen seconds!
-Thanks to our newest nit collector, Darya Semyonova, for this quick nit .
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
Kentucky Sue must really be a crack shot with guns. Either that, or she worked as a trick shootest in a Wild West Show before heading to Pulau Pulau. Everytime she would shoot, Kentucky Sue would close her eyes.
-Thanks to Lasermn for sending me this nit.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Emilia and Jack are in the Governor's palace waiting for the Inspector General. Emilia helps Jack on with his coat. The white pony tail is stuck between his vest and coat. When the Inspector General comes in and hands Jack the bill to sign, the pony tail is outside Jack's coat.
Also in the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Emilia posing as the Dragoon's Elf, shot an arrow into a support beam of the hangman's platform. Then using the crossbow itself, she sailed down to the platform to rescue the Dragoon's followers. After the fight scene, she picked up her loaded crossbow to stop the escape of the Inspector General. Unless she invented a self loading crossbow, she would have to have loaded it first.
And another nit from "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Although we never see the crossbow fall from its perch above the platform, I can only assume the nasty fight scenes caused the crossbow to tumble down to the ground so that Emilia could use it.
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
On several occassions, Jack has dropped his french accent in front of a French official, giving cause to suspect he is not the true governor. Even Emilia seems to have a hard time keeping up her "Dragoon Elf" identity, lapsing in and out of her menacing accent during this episode.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
In this episode, there is an elaborate assassination attempt to kill King George at the opera. At one point during the opera, the French Soldiers' guns were drawn. The Dragoon swings down from the balcony and hits the row of soldiers. In the next scene, as they are struggling on the ground, not one soldier has a gun.
-Thanks Wellington for another great nit.
In the "Historical Hysterics" category-
This series really likes to resurrect the dead! In an earlier episode we saw Benjamin Franklin who died in 1790. In this episode they brought back Catherine the Great, who died in 1796.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
When Croque looked through the telescope to see the flotilla surrounding Pulau Pulau, there were no flags identifying the ships, nor any crew. What's with that? And how much threat could a crewless flotilla be? But we know Catherine had at least one member on board the flotilla because we saw the cannon sailing from one of those ships into the building with Jack, Emilia and Croque.
-Thanks to Lasermn for reminding me of this nit.
In the "Gilligan's Island Syndrome" category-
Jack gets some I mean spiffy new duds in this episode. Walking into the barn with his ivory coat, Jack slips on some manure and lands on his back. Once back up, Emilia quickly notices the brown paint that has now stained the back of Jack's coat just below his left shoulder. Later in the episode, we see the same coat, with an unobstructed view of the back, but without that nasty paint stain.
In the "Out Of Thin Air" category-
Jack and Emilia cook up a plan to paint Catherine the Great's horse and run it in the race. The horse is painted with brown spots. In one scene we see Emilia as she is mixing up some black paint. Shortly thereafter, she begans painting stripes on the flank of Catherine's horse. The next time we see "Gambling Habit", he is pure white with black stripes. How did Emilia disguise the brown spots? There was no white paint in the scene, and the brown spots should have been painted white before she added the black stripes.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
As The Daring Dragoon enters the race, he dislodges the jockey from his saddle and confiscates the horse. It's designation was #1. Nutcracker was on the left and Horse #1 was on the right, his number clearly visible. The scene changes and now the Dragoon is riding on the back of Nutcracker and Horse #3. In the next scene, he is back on the #1 Horse again.
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
Emilia could have very well blown Jack's cover in this episode. While riding in the race, Emilia turns around and yells to Jack (as he's dressed as the Daring Dragoon no less): "Jack, stop fooling around." Behind her were 3 or 4 jockeys who should have easily heard the exchange because they were in between her and Jack.
-Thanks Jackal1, you weren't fooling around on this nit.
Author's Aside-
This was the episode where I had to re-evaluate how nitpicky I should be. Shark Bait was more technologically enhanced than most "Jack" episodes. This left it open for more specialized nitpicking regarding its gizmos and gadgets and their consequences of use. For instance, all 3 characters; Em, Blackbeard and Jack should have suffered the benz after their ascent from Nardo's submarine. None did. Also the blast from the firebomb Blackbeard created should have destroyed the hot air balloon. There wasn't even a singe mark. And what of a self propelled bomb? Would the technology of 1801 even allow it to be created?
As a nitpicker would I be remiss not to mention this, or should I just let it go? Hey, I don't want to take all the fun out of the show. I guess, some things were just meant to be taken for granted. If a one ton missile gets lodged in a wicker basket and doesn't rip it apart, then I suppose that was just meant to be. Far be it for me to nitpick the characteristics of a missile, or a wicker basket.
In the "Name Game" category-
Nardo Da Vinci announced that he was the "great, great, great grandson of Leonardo Da Vinci". Leonardo was born in 1452. Taking this into account, Nardo should be Leonardo's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandson. Give or take a great.
In the "Historical Hysterics" category-
The Founding Fathers' Son Cruise included Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Franklin. Getting them all together was quite a feat since Franklin died in 1790 and Washington died in 1799. By the way, who's minding the American store? Jefferson was president of the United States in 1801, so what's he doing on a lengthy cruise to the Indies?
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
As Em pushed back the lever to shoot Blackbeard toward the surface, notice its position. It begins in the front position, but never fully returns to the front after she pulls the lever. After Jack leads Emilia into the chamber and closes the door, look at the lever. It is now back to it's original position in the front.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Emilia must have been the first to invent Scotchgard Fabric Protector because Jack's hand and sleeve are remarkably dry after he reaches into the tub to pull the plug. Don't believe me? Look at the picture to the right.
Editor's aside: While reviewing this episode to verify another nit, I did notice Jack's hand with soap bubbles all over his fingers. With that in mind, however, I never saw the chain dangling high in the tub that Jack could pull.
Also in the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
After Jack fell from the balcony, he landed hard on his rear end. You could see the red dirt covering his posterior. In the next scene, when Jack is talking to Emilia we see him carefully preen his shoulders but not his posterior of the dirt. When Emilia and Jack walk back towards the house however, his posterior is also free of the red clay.
In the "Out of Thin Air" category-
When Emilia and Jack were caught with the Silver Monkey, they had to come up with a plausible excuse. Quickly Emilia thought up the story of the Dragoon breaking into her house. To prove that the Dragoon was truly there, Jack pulled out his mask from behind his back. First, one begs to ask the question, "why would Jack be hiding his mask on his person anyway?" and second, "why would he be hiding a bogus mask?" Why is it bogus you ask? Because it is lacking the braids around the eye holes and border that the authentic mask has.
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
The Daring Dragoon has been a thorn in Brogard's side since his first appearance. When Jack produced the Dragoon's mask from behind his back, why didn't Brogard drill Jack on the identity of the masked freedom figher? Jack would have been the only one thus far to have seen the Dragoon unmasked.
In the "Historical Hysterics" category-
After administering the drug laced wine, Napoleon announces that he will "be using the White House as a summer home..." Napoleon must really be a forward thinker. The "President's House" as it was called in 1801 would not be officially named "The White House" until a century later.
Also in the "Historical Hysterics" category-
Napoleon continues to call himself the "Supreme Emporer du France". I've cataloged this nit several times. Need I say more?
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
Napoleon seemed quite disinterested in Emilia in this episode. Odd, because he woed her all through "One Wedding And An Execution" which was the last time we saw Napoleon. One would expect that Napoleon would use the mind altering drug on Emilia to his own personal and lascivious advantage. Then again, if he did, there wouldn't be an episode, would there?
Conversely, when Jack and Emilia had Napoleon under their control, why didn't they use the opportunity to advance their mission and thwart the threat of imperial expansion?
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Napoleon's machine gun acts very strangely in this episode. Watch as the ammunitions belt is being fed into the gun. The casings drop out 3 or 4 at a time before we hear a single shot. Also, watch the length of the belt. It changes positions during the final scene. For much of the scene, the belt shortens as it is spent. This makes sense. But after Napoleon finishes his last round and Jack tosses him toward Brogard, the belt has suddenly lengthened again.
In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
This is really a small nit, but for some reason it really bothered me. When Mr. Nipples flew out of Croque's hand and landed outside the cell, it was just outside of the Governor's reach. As soon as the guard stepped on Mr. Nipples, Croque was able to easily grab his treasured puppet. It was quite moo-ving.
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
Twice in this episode, inferences were made that Napoleon was left handed. In "Raging Bully" we saw that Napoleon wears his sword on his left hip, so that he draws it with his right hand. Also in "The Morning After", Napoleon uses his right hand to uncork the tainted bottle of wine. It doesn't appear from these other episodes that Napoleon is left handed.
Also n the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
As Kiki and Governor Croque make their escape from the prison, they attempt to jump off the prison wall. Kiki put his right arm around Croque's neck and touches his shoulder just before they jump. They immediately land on the ground and Croque's arm is now around Kiki's neck and touching his shoulder instead..
-Thanks to lasermn for jumping onto this nit.
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
Twice in this episode, inferences were made that Napoleon was left handed. In "Raging Bully" we saw that Napoleon wears his sword on his left hip, so that he draws it with his right hand. Also in "The Morning After", Napoleon uses his right hand to uncork the tainted bottle of wine. It doesn't appear from these other episodes that Napoleon is left handed.
In the "Out of Thin Air" category-
While Jack and Croque are in the cell together, they come up with a plan to escape. As Jack is throwing a few good punches Croque's way, we can see the guard make his rounds. The guard's right hand is free and he's holding a billy club in his left, raking it across the prisoners' cells. When he moves to Jack and Croque's cell his left hand is down but never moves, and he opens the cell with his right hand. Which hand held the keys? When Jack leaves the cell, it is clear that the keys were in the lock, but who put them there? Come to think of it, I heard but never saw the keys when the guard gave Jack his new change of clothes. Could the keys have been in the lock all this time?
Also in the "Out of Thin Air" category-
I've decided that Jack must be some kind of odd marsupial that has an invisible pouch along his backside. How else can Jack hide his Dragoon Mask from Croque as he changed in the cell? This is also the second episode where he seems to inexplicably pull his mask out from behind his back. Although tempted, I won't even try to go into where Jack keeps the rest of his Dragoon disguise, or why he chooses only to keep his mask close to the vest.
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
There is a typo on Napoleon's map. The word "navie" is missing an "r" and the expression should read: "navire de guerre" which is French for battleship.
-Thank You, Jackal1, for noticing this nit.
In the "Gilligan's Island Syndrome" category-
When Napoleon was sculpting the head to the Statue of Liberty, he is wearing a diamond and gold ring. It looks suspiciously like the same ring The Daring Dragoon won from Napoleon in a card game in the episode "Raging Bully". This same ring is also the one that Jack gave to Emilia at the Drunken Pig at the end of "Raging Bully".
-Thanks Jordi for needing that extra "Jack" fix and finding this nit.
In the "Thank You For Noticing" category-
Emilia took two good hits to the face in this episode, both of which knocked her unconscious. Yet, we don't see a bump, bruise, lasceration or black eye from either event. The author of this page would like to know what makeup she uses, because it's got to be wonderful. I can't even cover the dark circles under my eyes.
-Thank you, Lasermn.
Disclaimer: This site is not intending to violate any copyrights held by StudiosUSA, Renaissance Pictures or any other entity involved with the making of Jack of All Trades.