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About the Goddess Mephistoku

The Holy Order of Mephistoku's logo

The goddess Mephistoku has always been and always will be. Before she created the universe, there was nothing but her. While the goddess can take any shape, she prefers to appear as a small, black cat. This may seem odd, but Mephistoku is a very mysterious being. It is not for us to question her ways. Despite this, I have asked her why she chooses the form of a cat. The goddess told me she appears as a cat because cats are the most intelligent and beautiful of all the animals. They are her personal favorites. The goddess Mephistoku loves all that she created and would never do anything but what is best for them. She should be honored and worshipped (see Worshipping the Goddess Mephistoku). As you already know, the goddess talks only to me, since I am the only one who can receive her messages. She is constantly telling me things to be communicated to the Myvars. Sometimes it's a change in worship ceremonies or just something she wishes us to do. Just recently we went on a trip around the world to recruit new Myvars. It was a fairly successful venture, although it wasn't as successful as the goddess had hoped. She is distressed that there aren't more Myvars than there are. This is mainly because most people find it hard to believe that the creater is a cat. I tell them that she is not a cat but chooses to take that form, but it's like trying to tell them the sky is green. They laugh and say that they'll stick with their religion. Despite this mockery, the goddess is determined. She constantly insists that we try harder. I pity her. I suppose that it would be like having my children spit in my face. But until the world is ready to listen, we will remain short on Myvars.

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