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The Myvars

The Holy Order of Mephistoku's Logo

Myvars are the heart and soul of the Holy Order of Mephistoku. It is only because of them that we even exist. If we had no Myvars, the the Karuwtos would have long ago destroyed us. But because we have a stout following, we have managed to keep a place in the world. When the Holy Order of Mephistoku first started, it had six Myvars: Fregek, Dewto, Sei, Muyju, Yaquad, and Rerpo. All of these except for Fregek were friends of Sokasew, the first Malaxian. Fregek was a wanderer who was spending the night in Hadan, Sokasew's villiage. When he heard about Sokasew's experience, he immediately wanted to be a Myvar. He told her that he had dreamt of this the night before. Fregek is know as a great seer. He foretold many things that would happen to the order, includung some attacks by the Karuwtos that would otherwise have been devestating. He was one of the relatively small number of men who did not have to be taught how to be equal to women. The other three were friends of Sokasew's whom she convinced to join her newly formed order. The number of Myvars grew quickly, however. Back then, there were hundreds of people who flocked to join. The most noteable among this wave of Myvars was a woman named Mapika. Mapika was living in one of the villiages Sokasew and her Myvars visited to preach of the goddess Mephistoku. She was very enthusiastic about joining and the goddess saw she had promise. The goddess instructed Sokasew to put Mapika in charge of a small group of Myvars and to send her off to the east to recruit new Myvars. Within two months she had gathered over two hundred new recruits. This greatly pleased the goddess. Mapika would go on to become the first Zamro of the Holy Order of Mephistoku. In the ancient language of Tanimuth, Zamro means "eloquent". The Zamro of the order is the main speaker when we go recruiting. Currently, the Holy Order of Mephistoku does not have a Zamro. I act as the speaker. The last Zamro died before I became Malaxian and there has not been anyone who shows promise in the art of speaking since then. Luckily, I am a fairly skilled speaker and I can fill in until we find a suitable Zamro. The Myvars of today are much fewer in number than they were hundreds of years ago, or even fifty years ago. As the years pass, it seems that their numbers fall even lower. Our oldest Myvar is a woman named Susan who is ninety-five. She tells me that when she first joined, the number of Myvars was much higher than it is now. Among our current members, some of the most noteable are the Direct Liaison to the Ardent Supporter Most High, of Man World, and the Grand Inquisitor Zandever. The latter is a very mysterious being about which little is known. We beg you to take what you read on this site to heart and please make the number of Myvars rise by one. The term for a person who is not a member of the Holy Order of Mephistoku is a Karuwto, which means "nonbeliever" in the ancient language of Tanimuth. Karuwtos are usually difficult to convince that their religion is wrong unless they had already suspected this. Although it is unusual, some Karuwtos have all along thought their religion was incorrect and have only been waiting for something better to come along. When we explain the Holy Order of Mephistoku's beliefs to them, they realize that was what they had been searching for.

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