Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday GOD
(Howard Stern)
Happy birthday to you!
is Howard Sterns 46th birthday! There
will be a magic show at 4600 hours, in
the mess hall. Chapel Charlie will be
giving out milk and cookies, and
preaching on how
is going to beat out communism!
Stern has a heart on for the Church of
Sat, because we keep his ratings packed!
With fresh souls! Stern was here before
the Church of Sat--so you can give your
heart to Howard, but,
your ass belongs to the church!
Boy oh boy! It's been a wild Y2K hasn't
it? My folks lose their jobs for the
first time in almost 20 years. Then
Every single person in my family gets a
better job, and we are all employed at
the same time for the first time! I get
enrolled in college, and get my mothers
"Hand-me-down" which is a 98 grand
am...not too shabby! And our lord Howard
Stern gets a divorce, and is now
Angie Everhart! Goddamn--
wipes tear from eye--
It's been a great Y2K, lets hope it only
gets better, I'm so happy... F-Jackie!
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are copyrighted by its author Carcer and may not be used without the
authors concent.copyrighted©2000