Trent Reznor was chosen for his poetic,prophetic,and musical genius.This young man was a piano prodigy, and was the first to mix the rock and techno together so beautifully. his first "gig" believe it or not was the very first Lollapalooza tour--which anyone would tell you was the best. All the bands agreed that Reznors NIN (Nine Inch Nails) was the best band there. So began the genius titles bestowed upon him. His musical tastes range from Erika Baudue (sp), to Neil Diamond. This man doesn't see a pop tune in his music, he sees a journey, then takes his vision and constructs a brilliant architecture of musical samples to create the perfect sound. Many have said--as have I--that there is no such thing as a bad NIN song. He prefers to leave a space of 4 years in between albums, which shows his need for perfection, not monetary gain, and it certainly shows in his music.Most people say his name, rather than NIN, the band name, because it is well known that he sings,writes,produces,and conducts all of NIN's music--all the more testament to his genius. His name will live on forever, as will his music. Trent is eternal!