Chix Suck

How should I start it? Women truly are a mystery. Like the way they blame us for not putting the toilet seat down, do they walk in stores backwards as well? Oops a door hit me in the ass. As a man I always wondered what the feeling of water hitting my ass felt like.

Of course they have a whole bunch of things that no man can understand, wait scratch that, that no one can understand! Like how come they can hit us all the time, but we can't touch them? I quote Chris Rock when I say "No body is above an ass whoopin" Women get a manual when they are four years old, teaching them all the tricks of the trade. Like when little Samantha kicks Daddy in the balls, and then cries her little eyes out and Daddy feels sorry for her. They got it down pack, man, and most of us fall for it too.

OK so I lied, well I didn't really lie I just have to keep up the rules that we were given' as a manual when we were four. Rule #1 Always let the women think they have the power. Rule #2 Always enact rule #1 no matter how full of shit they are, and belive me there is allot of shit.

But there are other mysteries in line with these female creatures, like toilet paper. Why is it that a women will take two rolls of toilet paper into the bathroom and only one will be left? How much shitting are they doing in that god damn place? Personally I don't think they are doing that much shitting. I've fucked women in the ass and it ain't that big to do that much shitting. But do you really want to know what they are doing with that much toilet paper? See I know the secret-- only us real good strong men know the secret. They are taking the extra toilet paper in to the bathroom to write secret decoded messages to world leaders. What they are saying I don't know.

But I do know this, women suck. Can somebody please tell me why a woman would go to such lengths to disguise a belch, and on the same note, pull the underwear out of her ass at any time and anyplace in front of anyone.

Man: "Marge what are you doing?"

Women: "Pulling the underwear from the crack of my ass. I have a letter in my mailbox."

Man: "I am awful sorry, Reverend, she does this at home too."

Women are funny creatures.

Allot of little things are annoying me. So don't expect this to follow any form.
Why do black people, and it is only black people, listen to their god damn music so fucking loud? The china rattles in my house as they drive by. You know how L.A. has allot of earthquakes? Those aren't earthquakes, it's Black History month, and they are out in full force. But there is an advantage to their "bombastic listening style" -- Listening to that crap, that loud will make them so deaf that they won't hear me say nigger as they troll along.

Well that is it for this week boys and girls, I am tired and my girlfriend owes me a blow job for using up all of the toilet paper...

