While watching this boring ceremony I began to feel an uprising...not like the Russian revolution, rather it was an uprising in my pants! I pitched a tint because believe it or not--and you can check the tape, which they sell-- there were naked women with their sweater meat hanging out on NBC. The black Aborigines that were there repre-zentin were not clothed--at least not the women. Now What I find fascinating in all of this isn't the fact that I came twice before they cut to commercial...no! But that NBC chose to show black naked breast as if they weren't real breast because these Aborigines aren't real people. Think about it? If that were a white women showing her fun bags would NBC have aired it? Hell no! But because these women were Aborigines I guess that they felt it was ok to air because its the same in National Geographic, or like watching animals hump on Discovery Channel. It amazes me that NBC can get away with this in this day in age, but I guess the Aborigines don't have an ADL or JDL to protect their asses. In fact the only thing protecting their asses is their loin clothes.
The way the FCC regulates things on T.V. and radio is unreal. I was watching a program the other night where a man said "Prick" on the air. But the very next sentence was "God Damn" and that was edited! "God Damn" is a word we all use and I'd rather "Accidentaly" say "God Damn" at work then get caught saying "Prick", wouldn't you?
And the rules they make are so ridiculous that I feel like I should be getting aid for being a retarded citizen. You can't say dick , but you can call someone a dick. You can't say asshole, but you can say prick. Now following logic--which is the only thing the FCC cedes to-- I would make the assumption that words are meaningless, rather it is there meaning to which people take offense. Now follow me on this less traveled road of logic people.
I say "Asshole" I'm basically saying someone is a jerk, or is mean, or cruel. I say "Prick" I basically mean that someone is a jerk or mean or cruel. So why is one word dirty and the other ok? I also find it strange that since we were children we were taught to never say the "F" word yet were given perfectly good substitutes, like "Friggen", or "Fudge". Now when a child says these words he/she knows perfectly well what words he's really using. Not only that but your saying these stupid words for the exact reason you would say "Fuck!" When I see a priest say friggen I ask him if he's mad or offering, cause I know what he means.
Listen people wake the fuck up you stupid god damn mother fuckers, and smell the shit you've created in my world for me to have to bare you unreal chode smoking cock lickers...and by the way GO FUDGE YOURSELF!