Cultural Items

You guys have been pissing, and moaning that I update my goddamn page. What's the matter don't you have lives!? Does your happiness depend on my articles? Well I'm that vain that I would believe that so sue me! But I have been getting ideas on just what to write about. Nothing that really pisses me off, but more so what is angering others.

O.J. Simpson I am going to be appearing on PPV T.V. to take a lie detector test to prove his innocence of double murder.This I am told is angering people...why? Did you think this Afro Puff was a fuckin saint? Did you assume he would be "Man" enough to either admit his killings, and how they don't affect him in the least, or to show some sympathy for what we all know he did? Well what fucking world do you live in? This guy is a scum bag who only cared for himself, and this PPV event is what I thought he would have done a year ago! And what's funny is that all of you who bitch about how he's making money off of this are the same ones who are going to be watching that night! If their wasn't interest in the event he wouldn't have gotten a promoter, which means that people wanna see this guy, and put money into his pocket. Why do you all anger yourselves when it is your own soul to which is evil and ruthless and cunning, it's not O.J. it's you!

The Ramseys have been on the tube quite a bit lately haven't they? I heard they were hiring psychics, and going on Larry King (Both of whom have the same credibility). Now we're all mad at them for doing what? Are you truly mad at them for killing their child or for lying about it? Truth-be-know-- children are more likely to die at the hands of their own mothers than rapist, and molesters, and kidnappers. So we're all mad that they lied. What the fuck did you expect them to do!?!? Tell us all ,"Yes we murdered her, she listened to that goddamn Brittany Spears just one too many times! Sent from above, sent from above, we wanted her to be above!" No one is going to admit to such a thing especially rich people. See as long as their are no arrest they can keep their rich buddies and continue business. Once their charged, all their money goes bye-bye. And speaking of rich if they had so much money then how come they couldn't afford a mirror to find the true killers?

So what have we learned here today? Well not much, as if you learned anything from me then you are a retard! But at least you got to see why I was kicked out of every school I attended and why my mother feels she needs to support me forever, you get to see me do what I do an asshole--for hire!

