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Absolutely Fabulous "The New Best Friend" series 2

"The New Best Friend"

I was finally able to find this episode at a Blockbuster a few towns away. It was under Absolutely Fabulous Series 2. There was a boxed set and luckily this episode was on one. A lot of Miranda fans have not had the opportunity to see this hilarious episode so I figured I'd create a section all on it. So here it is!

Hopefully you are familiar with the regular cast on the show. I'm an Ab Fab fan from way back, and at first it was hard for me to get the characters down, but after a few episodes though it was simple. Now I have almost every episode ever made on tape, including "The New Nest Friend"!!

Here is a brief run through of the characters: Edina (Jennifer Saunders) is the main character in the series, she has one daughter who is 18 named Saffron (Saffy for short) and she has been married 2 times. Edina's best friend is named Patsy (Joanna Lumley) and Patsy is rarely seen with out a cigarette and a bottle of bolly (champagne). Edina's mother (Mrs. M) is also in the series quite often and she's a hilarious character. If your still confused as to who the characters are I suggest you look it up on Altavista. Below is a picture showing each character. Miranda is not pictured because she is not a regular cast member.

Thats Saffy in the back, Edina on the left, and Patsy on the right.

Now that you know who the characters are, I can explain "The New Best Friend" episode....

Basically Edina goes on a major cleaning spree because two of her old high school friends are coming to visit her. She wants everything perfect so she can make a good impression. She remembers how clean and pleasent and perfect her two old friends were. Edina is getting mad at everyone for leaving junk lying around and is making a big scene about filth everywhere. Patsy comes in and Edina picks up stuff behind her and gets angry at her for scattering stuff. Edina's mom comes in and comments on what a good influence Bettina was on Edina as they were growing up and how they were such good friends. Patsy immediately takes offense by saying "oh were they?"

The scene goes into Patsy's memory like a flashback, Patsy remembers back in the 60's visiting Bettina and Max with Edina. Bettina and Max were dressed in silver and in a totally white cube room. "We think it's the new millenium" they respond. (the scene is ment only to show the audience what Bettina and Max were like) Totally pure and white, really with no personalities.

A funny scene happens when Bettina calmly tells Edina and Patsy to come look at her jewelry collection. They follow her and Bettina says "Max, have you seen it?" he says "What?" and Bettina replies "My Jewelry, it's in a little white box". Then all 4 people search around the white room unable to find the box because it blends in. Somehow Patsy gets tangled in some large chimes in the middle of the room and is shouting.

The flashback ends with Patsy back in the kitchen puffing a cigarette in the present. "I should have sued, I was scarred for life." Saffy comments on how it amazing it hit and scarred her in exactly the same place behind each ear (shes insinuating Patsy had a facelift). Saffy and Patsy erupt in an argument until Edina breaks in rushing Patsy to leave so she can continue cleaning. Patsy gets up angrily and leaves but in the process she madly knocks stuff off the shelves and dumps an ashtray on the floor. Patsy was jealous that Edina was so preoccupied with pleasing Bettina.

The episode continues with Edina rushing Saffy to the door and telling her to "just go". Bettina is ringing the doorbell. Edina opens the door..... in steps Max holding about 12 bags followed by a screaming Bettina. He makes a few more trips for luggages and Bettina comes in carrying a baby and puffing on a cigarette. She's yelling at Max. Edina is clearly amazed at how these 2 "perfect" people had changed so much. Bettina manages to make a huge mess within 5 minutes of stumbling in.

Edina offers them a drink, Bettina hands Max the baby and follows saying "I need a drink." Max follows agreeing. Bettina turns madly and lets him know he will not drink while holding the baby. They get into an argument.... etc... (pretty much the whole episode is them arguing and messing with the crying baby)

Meanwhile Patsy and Edina are competing over who has the most popular friends, all the while just trying to upset each other. Edina is fed up with Max and Bettina tearing up her house and wants them to go.

There are some funny scenes especially where Bettina is talking about having a caesarian while washing the dishes and how it wasen't because of her age. She never lets go of her cigarettes, she's the perfect image of a tired, stressed, mother. Another funny scene is where she's arguing with Max on the baby's intercom, until the baby wakes up. Bettina screams "Bring him down, bring him down, he'll never go back to sleep now!"

Miranda did a great job at playing a very "tired Mummy". The show ends where Edina somehow got Max and Bettina to leave. Patsy comes back over and suddenly their friendship is mended and the jealousy they showed earlier disapeared.

It was a good episode but I had to watch it a few times to understand everything they said. Below are a few pics from the show if you have more to add I'd really appreciate it!

Here are a few pics from the episode:

This pic is from the flashback 60's scene. Bettina and Max.

"Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, a very tired Mummy...." Bettina yells completely upset and extremely TIRED with her crying baby.

The usual Patsy LOL!

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