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Teal Set

To use this set you must first save the tiles to your own server, then copy & paste the following code:


<head> <title>***Your Title Here***</title></head>

<body text="#101838" link="#003333" alink="#003333" vlink="#101838"><basefont size="4">
<div align="center"><br><br><br>
<body background="tripleteal1.jpg"><br><p><center>

<table width="90%" cellpadding="40" cellspacing="0" border="1" background="tripleteal2.jpg">
<td width="100%"> <br><br>

<table width="100%" border="1" background="tripletealsolid.jpg">
<td width="100%"><center>

***Your page content goes here***


Link to


A text link is OK too ;)