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So you think you deserve an award

I have created this award to be given only to the most outstanding sites I have seen on the web. I am not speaking of outstanding sites created by people who are professionals, or who are in it to make money. This award will be given to those sites that are non-profit, ametur sites.

In order to recieve this award, the following criteria must be met:
--The site must be created by someone who did not accept money for the creation.
--No FuNkY LeTtErInG. It is hard to read, and looks terrible
--The site can not have a substantial ammount of broken images or links
--If it takes too long to load, I'll get impatient and leave
--The Site must have some sort of content. Something for me to browse through. No sites that have a couple pictures and a hello.
--The site must (for the most part) use proper english and spelling. Unless you are not from an english speaking country, you have no excuse to use terrible grammar. If I think you're an idiot, I will not grant you an award.
--The site must be easily navigatable. I don't want to get lost or wonder what I'm looking at.
--You must sign my guestbook (unless the award is given without application)
--You must e-mail me (unless the award is given without application)
--everything else is at my discretion. Weather or not I like the way it looks.

Don't lose heart though!

Here are some tips to make your site more pleasing to the eye:
--Don't overload on Graphics (especially animated ones). Too many can be disctracting and make your page look cluttered.
--LOOK at your site EVERY time you update it to make sure your pictures and links are not broken.
--If you have a patterned background, make sure that the font is readable. If it is not, get rid of the pattern. Some loud and busy patterns have NO color of font that would be readable for them.
--Always make sure that you have a link back to your HOME page from any other page on your site. This makes navigation easier, especially for some browsers.

Still think you got what it takes?

If you think you have an outstanding site, e-mail me at
In your e-mail be sure to include:
--Your Name
--Your E-mail address
--Your website address
--why you think your website should be chosen for this rarely recieved award.

Think you got what it takes? These people thought they did... and These people DID!
