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My Web Gurus

These lovely ladies are my muses, my guides, my GURUs so to speak. They have been so incredibly helpful in my development of web design and html knowledge, and I just want to thank them.

Megan helped me figure out how to do thumbnails, how to not have that annoying box around graphics that were links and how to take the underline off the links. See her page (she has frames which she is incredibly excited about...) It really is quite good.

This is Devon. Unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of meeting her in person, but she has been PIVITOL in my web design development. She gave me the codes to make my thumbnails work the way I wanted them to and to make it so that my background dosn't repeat vertically! She has also been a muse of sorts in the area of actual design. She is inspiring. Go to her page! Be inspired!

Thank you to both my Gurus.
