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What Myers Briggs has to say about my personality

As a freshman in college, we were required to take these Myers Briggs tests....this is what they had to say about my personality.

I am an ENFP...Extravert, INtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. Which is what about 5% of the American Population is....I guess I'm fairly rare!

Potential Strengths
ENFPs are energized by new ideas and possibilities. They are intrigued with anything original and out of the ordinary. Curious energetic, and creative they like and need to talk about thier ideas to stay interested in them and make them real. Free spirits by nature. ENFPs are not especially impressed with authority and like considering unconventional approaches. Spontaneous, adaptable, and playful people, ENFPs love a challenge and are confident in thier ability to find ways to solve problems creatively.

Frequently non-conformists, ENFPs admire others who also march to thier own beat. Because they love meeting new people, ENFPs usually have a large and varied group of friends. They work hard to keep all thier relationships alive and oten have friendships lasting many years. Warm, gentle, and sympathetic, ENFPs are interested in helping others make the most of thier talents.

Potential Weaknesses

Because ENFPs are most interested in possibilities, they tend to ignore or avoid anything that has already been done or requires routine maintenance. They much prefer the new and novel and are so eager to get onto the next challenge that they may leave projects unfinished or disorganized (heh...this website, maybe...). INFPs rarely even notice the routine details or common facts around them. They often have trouble paying attention and focusing on just one thing at a time and can sometimes be irresponsible with thier commitments.

Since ENFPs like juggling mmore than one thought, activity or person at a time, they sometimes rush through activities and find themselves over-committed socially and professionally. Thier reluctance to rule out options or eliminate interesting possibilities means they sometimes miss opportunites because they didn't commit ahead of time. Without outside stimulation, ENFPs often find themselves stagnating. They need to get out in the world and have fun with otehr people to recharge thier batteries.

As an ENFP, I am good at...

*Seeing Ways of solving problems
*Working with all kinds of people as part of a team
*Applying my various experiences and skills to new fields of interest.
*Understanding other people and getting them excited about my ideas.
*Being flexible, accommodating and easy to work with.

I need to watch my tendency to...

*Get sidetracked or become distracted by something more interesting.
*Not prepare properly ahead of time.
*Become bored or disinterested if I have to work alone.
*Be sloppy with details or facts

Interesting stuff, eh??
