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The Tale of Sesonai, Her Underlings, and Her Guild of Months

In the beginning, before time was divided and before there were seasons, people never knew when to plant crops, when to harvest and when to rest. It was very hectic, and people went hungry all over the land. It was decided that some control and predictability was needed.

All over the land, people tried to think of ways to regulate the change of weather conditions. Some people thought that they should try to predict the weather conditions. The weather, however, was so erratic that this choice was not applicable.

Others thought that they should elect what the weather conditions would be each day. This proved to be even more hectic than before. Some people wanted sunny days for fun and because their crops needed sunlight. Others argued for rainy days because their crops needed water. The arguing continued for weeks because no one could come up with any other way to control the weather.

Finally, one day, a young woman of a small village came up with an idea that would work. She said that one person should be in charge of the weather. She also said that there would be four others below the one, and twelve others beneath those four, who would regulate each month. This bright young woman’s name was Sesonai.

No one wanted the job because they felt that this was too big of a job. To solve this, one common election was held all over the land in all the villages, and Sesonai, herself, was elected the supreme weather handler. From thenceforth, each change in major weather seasons would be called a “Season.”

Elections were held to fill the second and third positions in the same manner. A very cold-hearted man, named Wentar was chosen for the coldest month, which would be called “Winter.” A young mother whose children had died due to the coldness of the days was chosen to rule over the second season. Her name was Spiria and her month was called “Spring.” A young, spirited, virgin temptress called Summia was chosen to rule over the third and hottest month that would be called “Summer.” The final season would be presided over by a retired man who needed rest but did not want it. He did not want to be useless. His name was Automus and his season was called “Autumn.”

The final elections were held to elect the twelve people who would preside over the final division of the year. These were called the guild of months. The guild included Janui, Febrina, Marsi, Abril, Maina, Junia, Juyl, Augustina, Setep, Octavier, Nuvim, and Decaber. The month names were called January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, and December.

Next, The months were drawn to see which season presided over which months. It was decided that Winter would preside over December, January, and February. Spring would preside over March, April and May. Summer would preside over June, July, and August. Finally, Autumn would preside over September, October, and November.

Sesonai, the ruler of all the seasons, and the guild of months would make sure that everything went according to plan. Each individual season and month was able to rest during the part of the year when he or she was not working, but when Sesonai called them, they must be there in an instant.

Sesonai was given authority to change weather conditions as she saw fit. She was also given authority to create anomalies that now exist, such as the way that seasons are flip flopped in the different hemispheres, and things such as El Nino and Indian Summer. She was a bit of a prankster, so she liked to keep the people of the land on their toes.

Sesonai still lives today. How do I know this? I know this because the seasons keep on changing. The weather goes on with its prankster style. Sesonai is still there with her four underlings, and her guild of months, changing the seasons, and months. She has lived all these years and still does not tire of her all-important job.
