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September 11, 2004
Again, it has bee a long time since I've updated, but the site is currently under construction again. It's time for another complete revamp. So, be patient and it will have a whole new look soon. Thanks!

March 20, 2003
It's been a long time since I've acutally updated, but today I finally did. The front table is obviously different and I have some new pictures in the bio page. They are mixed in with the old ones as I just took out some of the bad old ones, so you might have to do some searching. But...they're there. There are three new give you a hint. :)

January 28, 2002
SOMEONE WON MY AWARD! Go to Winners to see the link to his site. It's quite phenominal...congrats Nick!

January 14, 2002
"A tribute to love" has been can still get to it if one knows the exact address, but I broke up with Karl, so I figure I had to remove the link to the site I made for him....for my sanity and his...

July 7, 2001
New Writings added. 5 of them I think.

May 9, 2001
Backgrounds no longer repeat vertically! (makes the text easier to read)
New section under photos: Gurus. Check it out!

May 4th, 2001
New pictures in Spring 2001 of A tribute to Love.
Also, yesterday, I added the text to the pictures page and the index page and my bio page.

May 1st, 2001

