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Photos Galore!

I am a picture taking FREAK! I love photos. They seem to tell a story. Some of these pictures aren't the greatest photography, but that's ok. To see REALLY good photography, go to My Photography Page. But to see the snapshots that tell the story of my life, stay right here. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. In any case, SMILE!


My family was also with me on this routine visit. My parents, however are in denial that they are even FROM Saturn. They're trying to fit in on Earth so hard that they have blocked Saturn fromt thier memories. They have even convinced themselves that thier lives on Saturn...were actually lived out on Earth. They're wierd, but they're the best parents a girl could get. My sister has done the same thing, although, I think she remembers Saturn from time to least for a moment or two...


During my time here on Earth, I have made many friends. Some have come into my life and since exited out thier own doors onto thier own paths. Others have stayed and I know will be a friend for the rest of my time here on Earth. All of the friends I have had, I know, I will remember forever, long after I leave Earth, as Friends.

Dance Pictures

Cyber Punks

My Past

[Thanx to my Gurus]
