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What do YOU say??

This is going to be a section where YOU can tell me what YOU think of ME...if you're mean, I obviously won't post what you say...I have that perrogative. But I've got a pretty good sense of humor...also, beware...I will be commenting if I feel it comments are in italics. :)
If you'd like to submit something to say about me, be creative and e-mail your Name, How you know me, and what you think of me to I need people to participate in this one in order for it to do!

What you've Said SO FAR:

"RiN is Omnisexual!" --Anya Starr
I believe this needs a slight bit of explination...this does not refer to my refers to the fact that my personality ENCOMPASSES ALL sexes...yeah..

"MY roommate's COOLER than YOURS!" --Sarah Roepke
She's my Roommate

"RiN is everyone's Fantasy." --Cory
I'm not my OWN fantasy!!! ;)

"You are a Post Punk/Psychadellic alternative chick with a heart of gold...can I add...has a nice butt...oh, nevermind...."--Ash
did anyone else have a hard time following that??

"Rin is helpful and certainly very creative!!!...A kick @$$ girl."--Psycho
I just feel special that I have someone named "Psycho" who submitted a comment! :)
