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Cthulhu: The Mythos


Don’t tell me I need to explain this one to you.


Arkham [poem] (Always Comes Evening, Underwood-Miller)

The Black Stone (People of the Dark, Wildside Press)

Dig Me No Grave (Nameless Cults, Chaosium & Weird Works, Vol. 9, Wildside Press, forthcoming)

The Fire of Asshurbanipal (Nameless Cults, Chaosium, Weird Works, Vol. 9, Wildside Press, forthcoming & The Howard Review #13,

The Thing on the Roof (People of the Dark, Wildside Press)

The Children of the Night (Bran Mak Morn: The Last King, Del Rey, forthcoming & People of the Dark, Wildside Press)

The Hoofed Thing (Nameless Cults, Chaosium)

People of the Dark (People of the Dark, Wildside Press & Robert E. Howard’s Strange Tales,

The Black Bear Bites (Nameless Cults, Chaosium)

The Dwellers Under the Tombs (Black Canaan, Berkley)

The Brazen Peacock (Swords of Shahrazar, Ace)

The Little People (Bran Mak Morn: The Last King, Del Rey, forthcoming)

The Challenge from Beyond [round-robin] (Nameless Cults, Chaosium & Weird Works, Vol. 7, Wildside Press, forthcoming)

Candles [poem] (The “New” Howard Reader #1, June 1998)


Miscellanea . . .

Black Eons [fragment] (The “New” Howard Reader #6, Autumn 1999)

The Door to the World (or Untitled) [fragment] (Robert E. Howard: Power of the Writing Mind)

The House [fragment] (The Howard Reader #8, August 2003)

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