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Houses of Suspicion


This is a title for the grouping of all Howard’s Detective stories. Don’t lay that tired old cliché on me and say they don’t do much actual detecting. These stories have the same exciting action as found elsewhere in Howard’s other fiction.


Steve Harrison . . .

Lord of the Dead (Skull-Face, Berkley & Lord of the Dead, Donald M. Grant)

Teeth of Doom (The Tomb’s Secret) (Graveyard Rats, Wildside Press & The Howard Review #12,

The Black Moon (Bran Mak Morn: A Play and Others, Cryptic Publications)

The Voice of Death (Two-Fisted Detective Stories, Cryptic Publications)

People of the Serpent (Fangs of Gold) (Graveyard Rats, Wildside Press)

The House of Suspicion (The Second Book of Robert E. Howard, Ace)

Names in the Black Book (Graveyard Rats, Wildside Press)

Graveyard Rats (Graveyard Rats, Wildside Press)

The Silver Heel (Two-Fisted Detective Stories, Cryptic Publications)


Butch Gorman & Brent Kirby . . .

The Hand of the Black Goddess (Bran Mak Morn: A Play and Others, Cryptic Publications)

Sons of Hate (Two-Fisted Detective Stories, Cryptic Publications)


Other Detective Stories . . .

Talons in the Dark (Black Talons) (Graveyard Rats, Wildside Press & The Howard Review #12,

Guests of the Hoodoo Room (The “New” Howard Reader #4, January 1999)


Miscellanea . . .

The Mystery of Tannernoe Lodge [fragment] (The Howard Reader #8, August 2003)

Untitled Synopsis (Two-Fisted Detective Stories, Cryptic Publications)

The Spell of Damballah [unfinished] (The “New” Howard Reader #4, January 1999)

The House of Om [synopsis] (The “New” Howard Reader #1, June 1998)

Unhand Me, Villain (Non-Commercial Writings, forthcoming)

Aha! or The Mystery of the Queen’s Necklace (Non-Commercial Writings, forthcoming)

Halt! Who Goes There? (Non-Commercial Writings, forthcoming)

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