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Wild Bill Clanton

and Other Erotica


Sure! We’ll see this collection any day now.


Wild Bill Clanton . . .

Desert Blood (Untitled Spicy Collection, Wildside, forthcoming)

The Dragon of Kao Tsu (Untitled Spicy Collection, Wildside, forthcoming)

The Purple Heart of Erlik (Untitled Spicy Collection, Wildside, forthcoming)

Murderer’s Grog (Untitled Spicy Collection, Wildside, forthcoming)

The Girl on Hell Ship (She Devil) (Untitled Spicy Collection, Wildside, forthcoming)

Ship in Mutiny (The She Devil, Ace)


Other Erotica . . .

Guns of Khartoum (The She Devil, Ace)

Daughters of Feud (The She Devil, Ace)

The Dominant Male (unpublished) An odd, interesting little piece.

She-Cats of Samarcand [synopsis] (The “New” Howard Reader #4, January 1999)

Etched In Ebony (The “New” Howard Reader #3, November 1998)

Miss High-Hat (The “New” Howard Reader #2, August 1998)

Songs of Bastards [drama] (Lewd Tales, Cryptic Publications)

Bastards All! [drama] (Lewd Tales, Cryptic Publications)

Ancient English Ballade [poem] (Lewd Tales, Cryptic Publications)

Prelude [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Desire [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Lilith [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Palace of Bast [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

A Negro Girl [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Limericks to Spank By [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

The Harlot [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

The Ballad of Singapore Nell [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Good Mistress Brown [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

The Myth [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

A Song for All Women [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Strange Passion [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Lesbia [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

Daughter of Evil [poem] (Desire and Other Erotic Poems, privately published)

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