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calendar Behavior

This document describes technologies available in Internet Explorer 5. While we encourage you to evaluate these features and to send us your feedback, please note that these features are subject to change.

The calendar behavior inserts a calendar control into a Web page. The calendar consists of three main sections.

  1. The title area displays the month, year, and month and year list boxes.
  2. Days of the week are ordered horizontally below the title area.
  3. The individual days of the month, including overlapping days from the previous and following month, are contained in a grid below the days of the week.

The file can be downloaded from the calendar sample page.

The most up to date documentation on the calendar behavior can be found on the World Wide Web. Use Internet Explorer to navigate to the behaviors library reference.

If you have the latest MSDN-Online Web Workshop CD (formerly Sitebuilder Web Snapshot CD), map a drive to the CD and use Microsoft Windows Explorer to navigate to \workshop\author\behaviors\library\calendar\calendar.htm.

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