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Education: -Windows NT Custom Class

-Windows 95 Intermediate

-MS Outlook 97

-Excel 97 Intermediate

-Word 97 Intermediate

-Data Communications & Operating Enviroments

-Computer Information Systems

-Electrical Theory & Application


-HVAC certification

-Enviromental controls & Energy Mangement

Employment: -Department Supervisor

-Service Dispatch & Part Aquisition

-OEM Technical Support

-Employee of the Month May 1996

-Mall Engineering & Maintenance

-HVAC Technician & Property Maintenance

Personal History & Interests:

-30+ year Irving, Tx. resident

-Free Public Bulletin Board: 6+ years operation

972-570-1472 [data]

Capabilities: -Experience in science and technical related fields

-Problem solving and organizational skills

-Team worker

-Management experience