These Will Fit on 640 x 480 size
screens or larger
Blue Reef
For Media Monkey version 3 player from
Aqua Blue Reef
mini player screenshot
Hi Fi
Old winamp skin I Monkeyfied
Only For Media Monkey version 3 player from
this is an vertical and horizontal stretchable skin.
this is the float player or as called in the skin mini
Farmer Monkey
For Media Monkey version 3 player from
This is a 600 high x 960 wide screenshot. the John deere
is the part that will tile on larger screens.
see it here because it is made as a viewable part of the
player skin
to get more of a farming feel to the skin.
it looks cool the black line to the right of the logo is
also part of the player image.
of Men
For Media Monkey version 3 player from
This is a 600 high x 960 wide screenshot. the image album cover
you see in the screen shot
is just one i made to use when i needed one. it is not
the no album art image for the skin.
the previous and next buttons are the men pointing the
palm tree is the playlist button.
the seek bar is the gold brick by the palm tree. the
stainglass window of the lord is
the play pause button. the cross stained glass window is
the stop button.
the glowing cathedral is just background image.
with every
skin used in mediamonkey when you place the list or other
window beside the player.
most the time the player shrinks. this time i just made
it stay this size. when you
put the window over the player even by one pixel you will
notice the ratings will continue
to smoothy scroll and your mouse will be moving jerky
just move the window back away from
the player and when you get the window off the player the
ratings will work normaly.
in this case the
ratings are the gold brick above the volume meters