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Personal Information
Last Name  * First Name *
Citizenship* DOB m/d/y  * Age *

Address 1 Address 2 City/Town State Zip Code Country Phone No E-mail *
Educational Background Uni/College* Degree * Graduated m/y * ESL, EFL Teaching Experience *YES NO If "YES" 1 Where? 1 How Long? 2 Where? 2 How Long? What other study or activities have you undertaken that may be benificial to a teaching position.
Teaching Preferences What is your preferred teaching start date? March 1 June 1 September 1 December 1 Other Date Please Enter Other Date YEAR What is your location preference? (Please number 1st, 2nd and 3rd) Taipei City Taipei County TaoYuan Area Keelung TaiChung Kaohsiung Other Location What is your preferred contract are you interested in? Option 1: 20-28 hrs/wk at Language School Option 2: 15 hrs/wk Kindergarten & 20-28 hrs/wk Language School
Please write a brief cover letter introducing yourself supporting your application.
Please Double Check The Following Questions Before Submitting Your Online Form. To be hired I, 1. Have minimum of a BA Degree. YES NO 2. Am a Native English Speaker. YES NO 3. Have a passport from an English speaking country. YES NO 4. Can make a committment for 12 months. YES NO If successfully interviewed I, 1. Can supply a clear criminal record check. YES NO 2. Can supply the contact details of two references. YES NO
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