Ok, well if you ever saw the episode "Blue Ribbon Blues", you'd know why it just so happens to be one of my absolute favorites. Maybe even the reason Teddy is (and always has been) my fav character is the fact that this particular episode was one of the very first ones of the Tales series I ever saw. I found out about this series by accident, while channel surfing on a weekend we happened to be getting free Disney. Yes that's right, you used to have to pay extra to get the Disney Channel. ;)
After I saw Tales for the first time, I taped every episode that played during that free weekend. Then I watched those episodes over and over till the next free weekend, and so on. Pathetic I know, but what else could I do??
ANYWAYS, the opening scene of "Blue Ribbon Blues", where Teddy has stolen Sweetheart's picnic basket and is making her chase him to get it back (what a flirt!), was a direct source of inspiration for this little comic I was making. I don't know why I didn't finish it, or where the heck I was going with the story, but enjoy it nevertheless. =) (Keep in mind I was only 12 when I drew this, lol!)
Bully boy steals girl's purse.
Boy is proud of himself, but girl sees where this is going.
Boy trips into the pond.
Haha! Everyone laughs at boy's expense.
Annoyed boy climbs out of pond, girl gets purse back.
Everyone continues on their way to school.
Boy gets in trouble for dripping on classroom floor.
Boy is sent to Principle's Office.
Boy sneezes on Principle. lol!
The End!
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