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Flori-DUH Pony Convention, Take Two

Oh dear god...what have they done?!?
Someone got ahold of my Teddy while I wasn't looking. Yes, those are butterfly clips. >.<

Group shot of all us who made it to the second Flori-Duh pony convention!! Left to right: Munchy, Eeed (EDP), Me, Milkyway, and Sunbeam. Note the small Glitzy-creature who was trying to hide under the picnic table and refused to be in the pic. >:}

Glitzy's mommy servin' up the dead cow patties...*cringes*

Eww, GAWD!! Look at all those nasty COW-EATERS!!! Bleh! I resigned myself to having two Mt. Dew's and a piece of chocolate cake instead. Mmmmmmm!!

Our lovely, and extremely chocolate-ful, chocolate cake Sunbeam made for us. Isn't it cuuute? It kinda melted a little in the Flori-DUH sun though....all well, it still tasted good. =)

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