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More Convention Piccies!!

Awww, poor Eeed finally finds herself a purty sand dollar and its BROKEN!! Poor thing. Doesn't she look pitiful folks? That's my gorgeous camera strap in there too. I thought that would be a nice touch. *smacks forehead*

This little wuss (Glitzy) refused to come into the water and have some fun with the rest of us. Party-pooper!!

But these two freaks were all too willing to jump right in, even though they didn't have any bathing suits!! (I actually shouldn't really say anything cuz I got in there in my little tank top and shorts too...)

LMAO!!! I just HAD to get Eeed trying to hop over the waves! Hahahaaaaa....she kills me. >:} And she'll prolly literally kill me when she sees I put this one up here. Mwahahhaa!!! *hides behind her granny*

Well here's Glitzy and M-way, after we finally got Glitz to go in, getting klobered (ummm, how the hell do you SPELL that anyway??) by the waves. Aren't they cute? Hehe!

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Baby Ace pic by tattikat!
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