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Teddy's My Little Pony Collection

SS Ribbon

This was the very first pony in my collection, it's SS Ribbon! I started my MLP collection back in March of 1999, about a week after one of my good friends gave me her old SS Ribbon here. We were hanging out at her house one day when I noticed Ribbon standing on her dressor. I remembered having some MLPs when I was younger, but didn't have any left from my childhood because we moved ALOT and always had to sell anything we didn't play with anymore before each move. Sad, isn't it? I fell in love with Ribbon and my friend gave her to me. Isn't she the sweetest??

I asked around at school and got some more MLPs from some friends who still had theirs and then I started going to every thrift shop, antique shop, and fleamarket I could find! After awhile I discovered the internet and started buying a little from there as well. So anyway, I've been collecting for 20 years now and my G1 collection count is around 350 ponies. I only have a few from the other generations. I'm not really an active collector these days, but still proudly display and enjoy my ponies. So that's the story of my collection, now here are some pics of it for your viewing pleasure...

G1 Ponies

MLP Tales Collection

Misc (Plushes, Puzzles, Thermoses, Etc)

Baby Ace pic by tattikat!
Wanna go back to my main page?
Click on Baby Ace, he'll show you the way!