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Teddy's Run-Down on the Tales Series/Characters


Never seen the MLP Tales TV show? Or maybe you just want to know more about it and the characters? Well, then you've come to the right place! Here I have pics of each of the 10 main characters and info about them and their personalities. So read on and learn a little somethin' about the best MLP TV series ever!!

The My Little Pony Tales TV series first aired back in 1992 on the Disney Channel. Twenty-six episodes where made until it was, unfortunately, cancelled. The show centered on the lives of 10 little ponies, each around the age of 10. (And, as you have probably noticed, all the characters are Earth ponies. No illogical pegasus flying around, no mythical unicorns winking in and out everywhere.) Most episodes focused on the 7 girls (Starlight, Sweetheart, Melody, Bright Eyes, Patch, Clover, and Bon Bon), but the three boys (Ace, Lancer, and Teddy) had their days as well.

'Learn by doing' has always been my motto!
Miss Hackney
Miss Hackney is the school teacher. She taught the ponies many valuable lessons, in academics and in life. Each episode had it's own special song and of course it's own happy ending. This series was much more realistic than earlier MLP series as it dealt with issues young people today face: friends, family, relationships, and more. Not to mention this show actually had MALE ponies as well!! No more mystery about how all those little baby ponies got!

Meet the Main Characters!

Baby Ace pic by tattikat!
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