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Phlori-DUH Ponies go to the Fair!!

Here's all of us!! Aren't we an odd looking group? Hehe! From left to right we have Moonbug, Milkyway, Me (Teddy), EDP, and Glitzy.

And here's poor Moonbug being harassed by one of the icky carnies!! They all seemed to really like her for some odd reason.... O.o

Milkyway and her Milkyway I gave her!

Glitzy and Eeed (EDP) when they got stuck upsidedown on one of the rides!! LOL!

Moonbug doing her homework. She's minoring in Photography and had to take some motion pictures for her class while we were at the Fair. That lady behind her in the yellow shirt is Glitzy's mom, she came to make sure we weren't all a bunch of psychos. >:}

EDP and Glitzy on yet another spinny ride. Notice how no one else was stupid enough to ride it...lmao! Made me nauseous enough just to watch!

Glitzy and Milkyway playing the Knife Game...

Glitzy opening the knife she won from the Knife Game. We were all VERY frightened at this point...Glitzy with a KNIFE?!?!?

Auntie EDP assaulting little Glitzy with her knife.

Moonbug and her beloved camera. =)

This is the gorgeous drawing Eeed did of all of us at the fair. Hopefully ya'll can recognize us all by now, but just in case from left to right we have: ME (I'm still totally freaked out about this looks JUST LIKE ME!!!), Eeed (nice horns...hehe!), Moonbug (with her camera, of course), Glitzy (with her knife!) and Milkyway (with her bag of cotton candy she dropped in the dirt two minutes after she bought!).

And here's the drawing I did of all of us in our pony forms! Left to right: Glitzy (galloping off at the speed of light to the next crazy ride), EDP (happily trotting off after Glitzy), Moonbug (taking piccies with her camera as we go--this was also my first attempt at drawing a flutter, so disregard the retarded-looking wings she has), Me and Milkyway (dizzy and nauseous from all the!).

Baby Ace pic by tattikat!
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