photo courtsey of Betty P.
Bardo coalminers in 1940, all alone in front of the group is Connie Deason, First row, left to Right E.F. Smithers, Carl Smithers, Ancil Rose, Boss Thomas, R. J. Nolan, C.S. Deacon, Bart Williams, Shell Sanford, Chester Lyttle, Elmer Richmond, Brownlow Estes, Jesse Mattle, Rufus Jackson, SECOND ROW, Left to Right, Albert Senters, Charlie Marlin, Thelman Bray, Frank Mattie, Harrison Gibson, Cecil Towe, John Thomas, Homer Clotfelter, Hosea Thomas, Charlie Logan, Henry Orick, Clum Fowler, Gilbert Towe, Earn Thurmon, Sam Huston, THIRD ROW Left to Right, R.O. Holden, Henry Orick, Britt Hensley, Archie Bray, Luther Perkins, Bill Cole, Cecil Dephew, Walter Ellis, Otis Williams, Alex Jackson, Harver Garrett, Marshall Hensley, Lucas Bredlove, Arthur Mattie, FORTH ROW Left to Right, John Dean, George Goins, Ken Wilhoit, Ben King, Charlie Thomas, John McDaniels, George Atkins, Clyde Brooks, Millard Wilhoit, Byrd Garrett, Ambrose _?_, Emory Hopkins, Doug Davenport, Alf Bruce, Clyde Forax, 5th row, left to right:Woodroe Holden, Alex Ellis, Ira Grant, Bert Taylor, Dallas Howard, A.B. _?_,, ? Ward, Bill Trent, Charlie Senters, Roy Estes, Bob Mattie, _?_, 6th. row, left to right: Ed McVey, Clyde Logan, Estel Ward, Frank ? Deacon, James Bray, Andrew Elwood, Wilber Taylor, Rodney wilson, Ike Rhea, ? Trent, Clarence Parker, Dan Simpson, Sam Gibbs, Harley Thomas, H.L. ? Garrett, 7th. row, left to right: Bob Atkins, Harvey Seals, _?_, Henry Jones, Bob Estes, Elmer Smith, Cleat Roberts, Jim Thompson, _?_, Chess Tye, Walter Jones.
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