Renewed Backstreet Boys Faith
So, lots of you loyal readers out there will realize that we haven't
added to our Backstreet Humor page since...well, almost since the
birth of our website. Here's the reason. Natalie and I are mainly N
Sync fans. In fact, for a while now, we've been EXCLUSIVE N Sync
fans. I own Millenium, but I have yet to purchase Black and Blue. I
didn't freak out when Brian and Kevin got married. I tend to not keep
up on the Backstreet gossip. HOWEVER, someone wonderful has brought
me back to the light that is the Backstreet Boys. She'll be a guest
humorist here for a while. Her name is Jen Winston, and she ROCKS MY
WORLD. She's renewed my faith and pride in the Backstreet Boys. So,
for all you fans out there that have been waiting for new Backstreet
Humor, keep your eyes peeled. For, in the coming weeks, we'll blow
you out of the water will all the new Backstreet funnies.
Until that time comes, here's something funny to do. Winston just
pointed it out to me. Watch the I Want It That Way video. (I know you
die-hard fans out there have it on video. Don't pretend you don't.)
Watch Nick. Watch him the entire time. DO NOT take your eyes off of
Nick Carter. He does some of the FUNNIEST things in that video, I
almost couldn't take it. I was laughing my ass off. Hahahahaha!
Enjoy! And watch for new Backstreet Humor coming soon.
Show you the shape of my
Backstreet humor.
I need humor tonight..I need
humor right now.
The index that changed my