More Fun-Filled Hate Mail
We got more hate mail...and the Boys dressed up to
So, my friend Sharla and i were sitting here looking at your boy
bands website and we wanna say that it is totally lame!
(Totally? That HURTs, man...that's just
MEAN!)I mean, what kind of a person are you?
(well-adjusted, with a slight obsession..thank
you very much.) You are 18 years old waisting away your life
on this stupid website when they are out there singing and getting
millions of dollars for it (Yeah..thanks for
reminding me)..... and how can you hate Howie?
(Quite easily, in boggles the mind)
he is so cool!!! i mean, the name just rolls of the tip of
your tongue.... Howie. and he looks DAMN FINE when made of easy
cheese!!! (Easy cheese? What the hell are you
talking about? Are you on drugs? Is JC your supplier?) and
you, dating JC? yeagh right! in your dreams girl!
(Uh, yeah, in my dreams...hence the term FAN
FICTION!! You people and your lack of paying attention) like
he would ever go for a girl who looks exactly like Brittney Spears!
(Oh, I know you? How do you know I
look exactly like her? Are you stalking me??) and you talked
to Justin on im??? i think you're smoking a little too much crack
honey (Not as much as you..and JC is not my
supplier).... you're starting to remind me of big stupid.....
nevermind.(Big stupid...NICK??) maybe
you've had too many of your margaritas???(There
is no such thing as too many of my margaritas.) well, i want
you to know that you suck! he he he! *meniacle laugh!* have fun with
your loser life. (Thank you for your
blessing....I will.)
Hi You site is so not funny,Its so stupid and dont ever diss erik
estrada (wasn't he on CHiPs?) ethier He
is not slow (please point out to me where I
called him slow. Thanks.) because he isnt the one who makes
websites about making fun of boybands i mean come on who does that?!
(I DO!! Nice run-on sentence, BTW. Woooo
doggies!) Erik is making ALOT (hehe..two
words..moron) more money then you
(yep..go Erik!) and he has a life so
just dont go 'round dissin people like that just cuz your jelous.
(How does one become jelous? I can't seem to
find that in the dictionary.) How old are u anywayz?
(Twenty years old, thankyouverymuch)
grow up.(NO! BWA-HAHAHAHA!) If
you dont like them thats fine (I do like them.
Very much, thank you. That's why I make fun of them. I kid because I
love.)but you dont have to make fun of them on the internet
and prove you dont have a life. Write back too
(Write back, schimte back. Welcome to the
hatemail page!!!)
Hate! Yeah! Take me there.
Um...can I go to the index? Don't yell at