Awwwww...Lance being attacked by a cuddly stuffed animal. How sweet!!
"Lance": hi, i'm Lance from 'NSYNC
One Awesome Chick: hi Lance
One Awesome Chick: nice to meet you
"Lance": hello there
Ami: hehehehe
Ami: HI LANCE!!!
"Lance": hi
Ami: how's the hurricane treatin ya?
One Awesome Chick: wow Lance...I can't believe you take the time to come into a chat room made just for you guys...that is just great
Ami: Lance is a sweetie, you know.
"Lance": yea...i noe
One Awesome Chick: yes we know
"Lance": Justin comes in sometimes
"Lance": but he doesn't say much
Ami: Justin's here all the time..what are you talking about?
One Awesome Chick: well..gosh..tell Justin to come back sometime..
Ami: So, Lance, tell us what's up with the whole "switching labels" deal?
One Awesome Chick: yah do tell
One Awesome Chick: <~ taking a seat..this should be interesting
"Lance": we're planning to switch to Jive
Ami: Why is that?
One Awesome Chick: yah why?
One Awesome Chick: hmm
Ami: And, I thought you already had switched.
"Lance": because we're having sum difficultys with RCA right now
Ami: What kind of difficulties
"Lance": diffuculties that we cannot discuss with you little missy
One Awesome Chick: little missy?
Ami: Oh, little missy
Ami: hehe
One Awesome Chick: Lance I am older than you...sweetie..
"Lance": yea,.....and ur point is??
One Awesome Chick: Lance..did you finish school?
"Lance": i left when i was a senior
One Awesome Chick: tsk tsk
Ami: Well, then, hmmmm, how's the new house in Mississippi working out for ya? Are you there now?
"Lance": No, their still fixing it up
Ami: ahhhh
"Lance": i can't wait to go visit my home
Ami: Did y'all get hit by the hurricanes?
"Lance": no
One Awesome Chick: hmm have homies? Did not realize Lance was so hip on the ghetto lingo...(she's referring to the prfile for this posers..said stuff like "wuz up, peeps?" and "shout outz to.....")
"Lance": oh, this is not my sn
Ami: (too much time spent with justin'll do that too ya)
One Awesome Chick: whew...I was gonna say
One Awesome Chick: lmfao
"Lance": lol
"Lance": no way...this isn't my sn
One Awesome Chick: must be Justin's screen name
Ami: so, were you pissed that you didn't win any awards at the VMA's??
Ami: cause, i'd be pissed
"Lance": no, there's still other MTV awards and we're glad that BSB won
Ami: what rehearsed answers you have, Lance!
Ami: You don't think you're gonna win a movie award, do you?
"Lance": don't think we'll be going into acting (isn't Lance the one who keeps talking about N Sync making a movie? RESEARCH YOUR ROLES, PEOPLE!!!!!)
One Awesome Chick: Lance...what's up with JC and Bobbi?? (oh, how I hate hate hate hate hate HATE Bobbi...and the name Bobbi. Yicky!)
"Lance": their doing juss fine missy
One Awesome Chick: lol
One Awesome Chick: missy...lmao
One Awesome Chick: ok lance you can call me Missy..if it makes you feel more like a man
Ami: The "missy" thing is really pissing me off
"Lance": geez...i was j/k
One Awesome Chick: is JC's cousin Luke doing?
"Lance": doing fine
One Awesome Chick: when was the last time you saw him?
"Lance": just last weekend
Ami: during the hurricane? (I was all about hurricane one would pay attention to me, though...I hate that.)
One Awesome Chick: oh were in Cali?
"Lance": yes
"Lance": in Sacramento
"Lance": i was visiting my good friend Amanda Shin (Ahhh, and we find out the FULL NAME of the girl posing. If you read the info for the screen name, it said "wuz up, Peeps, this is Amanda from Sac-Town, Kali. I'VE GOT YOU NOW, "Lance"!!)
One Awesome Chick: but he lives here in Pacific Palisades
One Awesome Chick: he didn'y tell me you were in town last week
"Lance": wutever girl....stop asking me all these questions....i have things to do missy
"Lance": just leave me alone
One Awesome Chick: damn..Lance is testy today
Ami:'ve caught Lance on a bad day
"Lance": it's juss that you guys ask too many questions...that's all (translation: Hell! I've gotten caught! What the hell do I do now???)
Ami: Like you didn't expect us to ask questions
One Awesome Chick: I think Lance is kinda cool..but you are giving him a bad name..
Ami: Yeah
One Awesome Chick: I think you are really Justin pretending to be Lance
Ami: Justin...dammit..quit pretending to be Lance...I've told you numerous times..Lance doesn't enjoy that
"Lance": hi, i'm Lance from 'NSYNC
One Awesome Chick: Justin stop that
One Awesome Chick: it's really Justin pretending to be Lance...
"Lance": how do you noe?
One Awesome Chick: cuz Lance can spell better than that
Ami: because Lance wouldn't be snippy with us..but Justin would.
One Awesome Chick: exactly
One Awesome Chick: Justin is always snippy with me
"Lance": ok you guys
One Awesome Chick: but it's alright
One Awesome Chick: I still love him
Ami: Oh, well, me too
One Awesome Chick: =)
"Lance": guys are too obsessed with us (what did you expect? You're in the GODDAMN N SYNC CHAT ROOM!! And, we're too obsessed? Look who's pretending to be Lance, sweetie?)
"Lance": bye
One Awesome Chick: Lance
One Awesome Chick: wait
One Awesome Chick: wait
"Lance": we're flattered ....but bye
One Awesome Chick: Lance wait
One Awesome Chick: you must wait
"Lance" has left the room.
And there you have it. My fun adventure of chatting with Lance.
Can't wait to have more fun conversations and share the idiotic
nature of the world with y'all! Until next time!